
Me Be Better One Day Soon – Tales for Tomorrow

One of my three goals for this year is to work towards a Better Me – in every way I can. Eating healthier and reading better are part of how I plan to work towards that goal.

Of course, exercise is going to play a big part in that. And I have been way too lax in that department, happily leaving it all to my wonderful metabolism. Well, that lasted till I turned a certain age and now, for the past couple of years, I have been calling out to my lost metabolism. And the reply – STOP Searching and start Working Out and I Will Be Back !

A tale for a future tomorrow (duh!), I hope will talk about an improved me – healthier, wealthier (not just money-wise), and certainly wiser.

As for the title of today’s post, it was inspired by a book I truly enjoy readingMe Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. I handed it over to my son who asked me for a book to read over the holidays and have listened to him LOL many times over as he read it.

The first card I was dealt for the Deal Me In Short Story Challenge was the Jack of Diamonds.  This just happened to be – any story from this very book. So I asked my son which story he had most LOLed at so far. His first response (keep in mind he is a teenager when I review it later in the post) was the story ‘Big Boy’.

My question to you – if you have not read this book/story yourself – what is your first thought as you read this short story’s title – ‘Big Boy’? Think about it while I review another story I just had to read after I finished this one as it was super short and well, I just had to…

The second story (and the one I will review first) I decided to pick from the book was titled ’21 Down’. Yes, it was about the author’s tale about his foray into crossword puzzles, specifically the New York Times one. He talks about how it proved to be somewhat of an expensive hobby. He then takes us into the world of weird phobias as well, all within the span of five pages. When a short story can do so many things in so few words, I am always astounded.

And as for ‘Big Boy’, it is raw Sedaris humor at it’s most outrageous. Suffice to say, it is ‘turdy’ humor(pun intended)! And you can read this short here.

David Sedaris’ humor is one that has not failed to make me smile at odd times or LOL unexpectedly (making me glad I was reading it at home, and not elsewhere!). The same is true for both these reads from the book. I had not read these two before though I have read many of the others. You can check my review of the book earlier here.

Final Thoughts: For quirky, raw humor, read it!

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4 thoughts on “Me Be Better One Day Soon – Tales for Tomorrow

  1. The first thing “Big Boy” makes me think of is a restaurant (I think it shut down) called “Bob’s Big Boy.” The next thought is that’s what adults say to toddlers when they meet any milestone considered appropriate for their age (drinking from a sippy cup with both hands, holding a plastic utensil, using a toilet, not crying for twenty minutes).

    Hope you are having a great New Year!
    Sign-ups for the First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop are open on Monday. Check the A to Z blog for details.

    – J, Team Captain of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge
    ~Celebrating our TENTH anniversary in April 2019~

  2. My main goal is to continue with my healthy eating plan that I started last July when diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I’m feeling terrific and need to do a 6 month blog update!

  3. I agree with the second comment above about Big Boy in the first reply above. It’s a milestone. Like time to put on your big boy pants! etc. Their used to be a Big Boy restaurant a couple miles from where I live, but it’s been closed for many years now.

    I had a book club about ten years ago that had this Sedaris book in our queue, but we disbanded before we got to it. Your post makes me want to seek it out again!

    My improvement goal for 2019 is walk a lot more and drink mostly just water. Whenever I am good about keeping up with those two things I always feel so much better physically.. (So, why don’t I do it all the time???? THAT is a good question) 🙂

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