It is the time of the year when love is in the air!! It is Valentine’s Day season after all — when hearts are everywhere, when love is literally in the air, and we have lists of gift ideas and date night activities and more! So I have another list of gift ideas for your loved ones. Based on what I normally recommend, they are obviously bookish!
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My Valentine’s Day History
I remember when Valentines day first became something to celebrate in India. I saw all the Hallmarks and Archies (greeting card stores in India) stores in Bangalore suddenly start displaying huge heart based displays and teddy bears. It became a popular holiday in India soon, for who does not love the images Valentine’s Day brings to mind – love, romance, chocolates, hearts, teddy bears, flowers.

And then I moved to the US and my first Valentine’s Day here, I heard the bell ring one evening. On opening the door, I saw one of those giant teddy bears waiting for me..:) As years passed and the kids came along and started school, Valentines Day meant preparing cards for the 20+ kids in their classes. We made popup cards one year, went the easy route and got cards from Diddums’ another year, and a third year, got permitted treats for everyone.
Love is in the Air – Quotes You’ll Love
Since love is in the air, here are a few swoon-worthy quotes from books perfect to celebrate..
Falling in love
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once.” – John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
When In Love
“Who, being loved, is poor?” —Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance
“He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” —Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
“You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.” —John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
“Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.” —Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” ― Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
The Many Ways We Love
“You don’t love because, you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults. ” — William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
“Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.” —William Goldman, The Princess Bride
“If you ever have need of my life, come and take it.”—Anton Chekhov, The Seagull
“Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.” Mark Twain, The Diaries of Adam and Eve
The Gift Ideas
And finally, the gift ideas..
Here are a few suggestions that I normally love to gift anytime of the year
The Bookish Ones
Books, of course
It is International Book Giving Day as well on the 14th of February, so what better gift than a book..
- Here is a list of over 20 books for your little Valentines
- And for readers across ages, here is another list of 13 Unique Books

A miniature library all your own to make and treasure.

This Pride and Prejudice set won over my heart when I saw it a couple of months ago on IG. I have ordered it for myself and it is so precious.
- Rory’s Story Cubes (always fun! and much loved in our home), or
- The Bring Your Own Book board game that is sure to add fun to any evening
- If you or someone you love loves wordplay and puns, then Punderdome will be perfect!
Other Bookish Items

These literary candles will wow the book lover you love

And this is one of the options for literary coffee mugs. One can never have enough , right?

This 100 Books Scratch Off poster will help towards reading goals. And there is a 100 Kids Books version too.
Here are the book lists: 100Books and 100KidsBooks.

And the Well-Read Women: A Reader’s Journal to help us along as well. This one is so beautiful.

A book for your love to declare your love all the way from A to Z!

The etcs.
And then I have some more fun stuff.
- Susanna Leonard Hill holds an annual Valentiny writing contest. The gist of this is – write a Valentine’s story appropriate for children (ages 12 and under) maximum 214 words in which someone feels brave (due 2/12). Check for more details here
The love in your heart wasn’t put to stay;
Love isn’t love until you give it away.
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I loved reading your history with the holiday and that first quote is one of my favorites! Your gift list had a number on there that I’ll be adding to my personal wish list.
Very good topic and post! I enjoyed reading your experience and seeing the gift ideas!
Glad you liked it..
Your posts are always fun and thoughtful and with a bonus cozy personal touch. I aspire to the ease with which you accomplish them.
comments like this from a wordsmith like you flatter me DJ!Thank you!
I love these ideas. I would love a book.
thanks !! Me too
I was badly in need of gift ideas and quotes. I like your thoughts. Thanks for writing this.
glad you liked it Yani..
I really like all these loved quotes and even the gift ideas. Since my husband is a coffee lover I am going to get a good coffee mug for him. LOL!
never too many mugs, right?
Love these ideas and also was a great read!!
thanks so much Kimmy…
These are such GREAT gift ideas!
thanks Danielle..
These are some lovely gift ideas for Valentine’s Day!
I know I am going to gift myself a couple 🙂
Beautiful post!
thanks Robin
Thanks for sharing these great gift ideas! Exactly what I needed to make up my mind 🙂
glad I could help 🙂
Great gift ideas. I love the candles and the Pride and Prejudice set.
I love that as well 🙂
What a wonderful post! Love the quotes the best!
thanks Nicole.