Laughter is the best medicine, definitely! I have said it a few times already during these past few days, and believe in it as well. No matter what, a hearty laugh makes me feel better.
I find laughter, or rather laughter finds me at the oddest of times (somehow it knows I need it sometimes). Those looney laughter sessions with my mom (which we indulge in even today when we meet), the chuckles and chortles that we cannot control, the giggles all around from the little ones, and so many myriad ways. I always love watching the many senior citizens (all members of laughter clubs), laughing out loud, literally, at parks on visits to India. I was tempted to join them a few times but the pleasure of their laughter was its own joy!
And like Mark Twain says below, I hope we can use laughter in our war against all things negative(and by some miracle, evil viruses too!)
“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” – Mark Twain
From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. — Dr. Seuss
The Books
I simply couldn’t help it! I have quite a few books featured today and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
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Lali’s Feather
Book Info

Title: Lali’s Feather
Author: Farhana Zia
Illustrator :Stephanie Fizer Coleman
Publishers: Peachtree Publishing Company
Pub Date: 01 Apr 2020
Genre: Children’s Fiction/Multicultural
Age-Range: 4 – 8 years
Source: NetGalley eARC
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My Thoughts
Lali finds a feather, and goes around asking the birds if it is theirs so she could return it to the bird that lost it. When each of them says it is not and gives a reason why, she decides to keep feather and play with it. All her bird friends are amazed at what feather can do, and come to love feather. But when Lali loses it, everyone gets together to help her look for it and make her feel better.
The book subtly and sweetly relays messages of friendship and of finding happiness in the simple things. Both the charming text interspersed with Hindi words and the simply beautiful illustrations with delightful details work together to take the story forward, as well as give the book a distinct yet subtle flavor of India.
And then, a surprising twist at the end 🙂
In Summary
A delightful book with a relatable and adorable main character, a sweet message and bright, colorful, beautiful illustrations.
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Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this lovely book.
A Last Goodbye
Book Info

Title: A Last Goodbye
Author: Elin Kelsey
Illustrator: Soyeon Kim
Publishers: Owlkids Books
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2020
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction | Science
Age-Range: 4 – 13 years
Source: NetGalley
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My Thoughts
First of all, the layered collage-style artwork is visually stunning and sweetly beautiful. And next, this book approaches the difficult topics of death and grieving with sensitivity and empathy.
Parents and caregivers can read the book first if they feel these subjects might be tough for young ones, but the gentle text accompanied by the lovely illustrations will make it easy.
By showing how different animals love and grieve (while they may do so in different ways), the book tells young readers that it is OK to be sad. It also can help young ones prepare for the death of loved ones and pets, and to honor them and cherish their memories when they are no longer with us.
In Summary
A great resource for parents and caregivers to help children deal with grief and death.
Note: I learned a lot about the grieving rituals of the various animals depicted in this book.
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Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this gentle book.
Little Pearl
Book Info

Title: Little Pearl
Author: Martin Widmark
Illustrator:Emilia Dziubak
Publishers: Floris Books
Pub Date: Apr 1, 2020
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Imagination & Play
Age-Range: 4 – 7 years (and up!)
Source:Edelweiss eARC
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My Thoughts
If illustrations can be jewels, then it looks they were poured into the pages of this book, which tells a magical story, reminiscent of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ‘Thumbelina,’ and various other fairy tales.
When little David asks for one last bedtime story, Grace relates the adventures she found herself in the winter her brother disappeared. A strange and fantastical place, unique characters (love the beetle!), moments of pure happiness, battles to fight, a perfect balance of the eerily dark and whimsically bright, along with Widmark’s storytelling and Emilia Dziubak’s stunning artwork make this a must-read! And to add to all that, there is delightful wordplay and lots to explore for healthy imaginations.
In Summary
Yes, I am getting the physical copy and recommend you do too!
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Disclaimer: Thank you to Edelweiss and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this book.
The Little Women Cookbook
Book Info

Title: The Little Women Cookbook
Author/Illustrator: Wini Moranville and credits to Louisa May Alcott
Publishers: Quarto Publishing Group
Pub Date: 1 Oct, 2019
Genre: Cooking, Food & Wine
Source:Edelweiss/NetGalley eARC
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My Thoughts
If you love Little Women like I do, you will want this book regardless if you cook or not. This series of books is simply bookummylicious to say the least. While I am vegetarian and there are quite a few recipes which are not, there are more than enough recipes that I can try out and that makes this book a worthwhile addition to my bookshelf.
This book is parts cookbook, parts history lesson, and of course, parts a Little Women refresher. I love the authenticity of the recipes (with modern twists to make it easier for us readers in the 21st century), and the inclusion of quotes and anecdotes from Little Women as well as other related facts scattered like extra treats across the pages!
The recipes are organized into breakfast, family gatherings, dinners & suppers, and sweet treats, desserts & drinks; and include an amazing number of dishes you can use to take trips down Little Women memory lane, from buckwheat pancakes for breakfast to Hannah’s pounded potatoes for dinner and of course, Amy’s “pickled limes” playfully included as part of a sugar cookie recipe! While many recipes are from foods the Marches ate, others are from the time frame and included based on research done as well as the resources the March family would have had.
And last but not least, the photographs and illustrations included add to the list of reasons you must-have this book.
In Summary
A perfect gift for all Little Women fans (whether it is you or someone else you know)!! And if they already love cooking, even better (if they don’t, then this is a cool way to get started)
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Disclaimer: Thank you to Edelweiss and NetGalley, and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this book.
Love Your Body
Book Info

Title: Love Your Body
Author: Jessica Sanders
Illustrator: Carol Rossetti
Publishers:Five Mile
Pub Date: March 3, 2020
Genre: Children’s Non-fiction
Age-Range: 7-12 years (and up)
Source:Edelweiss eARC
My Thoughts
This book uses uplifting, inspirational messaging with quirky yet beautiful images to showcase the importance of self-love and positive body image, as well as to include It includes well-researched and useful information written in an approachable, encouraging and sensitive style.
The illustrations are gorgeous and include a diversity in shapes, sizes, colors, abilities, and expressions, with each one having the ability to warm your heart and bring a smile to your face.
In Summary
A must-have book and an amazing gift for all the girls you know, with an important message for girls of all ages (and a book coming soon for boys too!)
Goodreads || Book Depository || IndieBound
Disclaimer: Thank you to Edelweiss and the publishers for the eARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading this inspirational book.
“Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.”
― Lord Byron
My ‘L’ Book Stack

The Books
- Love’s Bittersweet Melody
- Little Town on the Prairie
- Leeway Cottage
- Let’s Bring Back the Lost Language Edition
- Love, Life, and the List
- Little Women
- Life of Pi
- Lord of the Rings
- A Light in the Attic
- Love in a Nutshell
- Love Food & Live Well
- Last Chapter and Worse
- The Little Guitar
- Last April Fair
- Let Love Find You
- Little Ways to Say I Love You
- Lord of the Flies
- The Little Princess
- Laugh-Out Loud Jokes for Kids
Quick Notes
As always, the ones in bold are the ones I have read. My kids have a few as well. And a few of these are among my favorite reads (Well, top whatever #s) including Life of Pi, A Light in the Attic, The Little Princess and Lord of the Rings.
“Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.”― Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Random Thing(s) for ‘L’ Day
The things are words again!
Ligibed is the first word for you today. I do know a few ligibeds! What does the word mean, you ask? Ligibed comes from the old English dialect word lig which means“to lie” or “to lounge,” making a ligibed a late riser, or someone who lies in in the morning.
Locuplete (adj) means to have an abundance of something (like toilet paper for instance in many homes now. As for me, we just have enough!) Comes from the Latin word locuplēs (“rich, wealthy”).
Litotes (n) are the opposite of hyperbole. They are ironic understatements in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary (e.g., you won’t be sorry, meaning you’ll be glad; or A million dollars is no small amount.) Litotes help emphasize an idea or situation, rather than minimizing its importance and are a cool way to attract attention to an idea – by ignoring or undermining it!
And to continue to add words that are related to confusion/nonsense, the only ones I could find – lather and ludicrousness. Do let me know if you have any others?
A good laugh is sunshine in the house. — William Thackeray
And now, the end of this post
So, dear reader, as always, a couple of questions for you. Have you read any of the pictured books in my ‘L’ stack? Any comments on them? Any interesting ‘L’ words or facts for me?
An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh. — Tom Nansbury
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I am generally always laughing- so much so that folks recognize me by my laughter. I’ve been called out on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem, Broadway in Manhattan, and outside the concert hall in Los Angeles.
Yes, even when under house arrest, staying clear of the pandemic.
Laughter could be middle name! I’m most always happy and cheerful and spread laughter. I love Lali’s Feather. While Lia is too young to read yet I’m sure she would love for me to read it to her. She loves birds!
Great group of books! So pretty and colorful and all sponsored by the letter L. I am most interested in the Little Women cookbook because I am currently reading Little Women. Great book. I’ve laughed and cried my way through it.
You picked an impressive selection! I didn’t know about The Little Women Cookbook and now I want a copy 🙂
Lali’s Feather sounds absolutely darling!
I do believe Lord of the Flies scarred me for life after having to read it in high school English class, I still vividly recall it several decades later!
The books all sound so sweet and look fab too. Thanks for sharing.
I haven’t read any of these books.
These all look good.
Was not familiar with any of these picture books. Thanks for sharing. I loved Little Princess from you ‘L’ stack. One of my all time favourites
Amazing reviews and great list of books all these books looks and sounds absolutely fantastic. I am really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.