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Sunday Scribblings #102: It is Time to Rhyme Indeed

It is April, National Poetry Month, and so much more, of course. Which means it is also time to rhyme!! There are a slew of month-long challenges going on, including the ones I am taking part in along with many of you. My goal is to write everyday this month for the UBC and NaPoWriMo challenges while working on the A to Z blogging challenges poetically Mondays through Saturdays each week this April.

While the title does say it is time to rhyme, my poetic scribblings this month will not always include rhyming, since so many forms do not (like haiku, for example). However, today’s form does, which means it is certainly time to rhyme today!

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #102: It is Time to Rhyme Indeed

Poetic Sundays: Time to Rhyme With Rishal

I initially planned to feature the terza rima poetic form (one of the most notable uses of this form is in Dante’s Divine Comedy) but keeping count of syllables is so much easier for me than minding meter! So I picked an invented form that seems to be inspired by the terza rima: the rishal. It was created by Chindarella at All Poetry

What is the Rishal Poetic Form?

The rishal is an invented, chained, syllabic poetic form with both end and internal rhymes to play with.

The Rishal’s Characteristics

At its most basic, the rishal’s characteristics are that it is:

  • Stanzaic: written in four or more tercets (three-lined stanzas) followed by a single concluding line .
  • Syllabic: 10 syllables per line. Line 1 of each stanza is written in  two 5-syllable parts.
  • Rhymed: follows a rhyme scheme of aba/cdc/efe/ghg/x; in addition, there is an internal rhyme in line 2 of each stanza, where the 5th and 10th syllables rhyme. Rhyming is optional in the last single line.
  • Chained or Linked: The first line of each stanza begins with the second part of the first line from the previous stanza. The first half of the concluding line also begins with the second part of the first line from the previous stanza.
This is How it Looks When it is Time to Rhyme

Most basic form of four tercets plus one concluding line. S1L1 refers to stanza one line one.

S1L1: xxxxx,YYYYA
S1L2: xxxxbxxxxb
S1L3: xxxxxxxxxa

S2L2: xxxxdxxxxd
S2L3: xxxxxxxxxc

S3L2: xxxxfxxxxf
S3L3: xxxxxxxxxe

S4L2: xxxxhxxxxh
S4L3: xxxxxxxxxg

LastL: VVVVG,xxxxx

My First Attempt

Just One More Chapter
The hall clock stuck one, she was almost done.
She hoped to reach the end of her now-best friend!
Lost in the words, she was having much fun.

She was almost done, just a few more left
A noon-time sneeter* would surely help her.
Stopping now would leave her feeling bereft.

Just a few more left, could she reach the end?
Finish this latest, surely the greatest
Of all books written by Miss Comprehend.

Could she reach the end, she hoped that she could
It was getting to be morn, lots to do
indeed, but later, in all likelihood

she hoped that she could sneeter* on her chair!
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

* to sneeter is to take a brief nap

Using the word sneeter inspired by NaPoWriMo’s Day Two prompt here and used the word in one of HaggardHawk’s tweets from today. Also found the word in this Scots dictionary

Further reading and h/t

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Poetic Sundays: Time to Rhyme with the Rishal


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings:

Nothing much to report on the home front except that the weather still has not made up its mind! That much often seen meme about going through all the seasons of the year in a day has been the theme of this past week so we never know how to dress as we step out.


On My Blog & Homefront

Challenges galore for the blog, on the homefront we plan to get started on gardening and hope the weather decides to move to and stay in spring mode.

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week of April include: Margaret Oliphant, Makhanlal Chaturvedi, and Maya Angelou on the 4th; Anthony Horowitz, Anu Garg, Arthur Hailey, and Robert Bloch on the 5th; the 6th celebrates Leigh Bardugo; Gabriela Mistral and William Wordsworth on the 7th; Barbara Kingsolver and Sara Shepard on the 8th; Charles Baudelaire on the 9th; Anne Lamott and Paul Theroux on the 10th
  • National School Librarian Day is on the 4th as is National Hug a Newsperson Day!
  • It is National Library Week – April 3-9, 2022
  • Which means that National Library Workers Day is on the Tuesday of this week and National Bookmobile Day is on the Wednesday of this week
  • Encourage a Young Writer Day on the 10th gives everyone a reason to go out and well, encourage the young writers we know, or simply encourage young ones to write

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Multi-Day celebrations

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? Also, what are some of the wonderful things that happened recently to you or that you heard of?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. Also linking to NaPoWriMo and the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Previous posts for these challenges (NaPoWriMo and UBC) are in links below.

Day 0 Day 1 – A Day 2 – B

11 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #102: It is Time to Rhyme Indeed

  1. I learned so much reading your post for today. It’s been years since I focused on poetry, and this brought back some sweet memories. I also learned a new word for my mid-day snoozes.

  2. Well…
    You can almost always learn something.
    Today I learned that a sneeter is a brief nap. I’ve never heard this term, so I can assume it’s archaic.

    Writing poetry is exhausting. I applaud those who enjoy it. Occasionally I find a poem that I like.

    We are also getting our gardens ready. Hope yours goes well!

    God bless!
    Ridge Haven Homestead

  3. I love the flow of this style – particularly the number of syllables in each sentence! Thank you for sharing the details of it. I love learning about the different styles from your site!

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