Books, Quotes

Is Charming a Verb? It Sure Can Be – Fun!

First, is charming a verb? I mean to ask, is “charming” a verb? And the answer is, of course it is. Depending on usage, “charming” can be a verb, or more commonly, an adjective. Second, can we “charm” words? I know, it doesn’t make much sense (not to me as well, but I am trying to have it make sense here, so bear with me!)

I guess I am trying to ask one of two things. One, can we “charm” (as in delight or make self appealing to) a word (maybe a verb too?))? Two, can we “charm” (as in control by magical means) a word? Of course, we can charm someone with words! And of course, those right words help to charm when we are genuine, respectful, courteous, kind, and pay attention to others.

So What is Charm?

Or how can someone be a charmer?

I will use quotes to answer these questions.

“Charm is the quality in others that makes us more satisfied with ourselves.” ~ Henri Frederic Amiel

“Charm is the ability to make someone else think that both of you are pretty wonderful.” ~ Kathleen Winsor

About being a charmer, Dale Carnegie says this, “Talk to someone about themselves and they’ll listen for hours.”

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Charming a Verb (I mean, ‘As a’)

So today’s featured book for the many memes is ‘Charming as a Verb’ by Ben Philippe. It is one of my current reads, and from what I have read so far, it is ‘charming’ indeed!

Charming as a Verb by Ben Philippe 

From the award-winning author of The Field Guide to the North American Teenager comes a whip-smart and layered romantic comedy. Perfect for fans of Nicola Yoon and Jenny Han. 


Henri “Halti” Haltiwanger can charm just about anyone. He is a star debater and popular student at the prestigious FATE academy, the dutiful first-generation Haitian son, and the trusted dog walker for his wealthy New York City neighbors. But his easy smiles mask a burning ambition to attend his dream college, Columbia University.

There is only one person who seems immune to Henri’s charms: his “intense” classmate and neighbor Corinne Troy. When she uncovers Henri’s less-than-honest dog-walking scheme, she blackmails him into helping her change her image at school. Henri agrees, seeing a potential upside for himself.

Soon what started as a mutual hustle turns into something more surprising than either of them ever bargained for. . . .

This is a sharply funny and insightful novel about the countless hustles we have to keep from doing the hardest thing: being ourselves.

Book Beginnings and First Line Friday

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader. To join in, share the opening sentence or more of a book you are happy about reading this week and check out other blogs to see what they are reading too!

First Line Friday hosted by Reading is My Superpower also asks us to share the first line in the comments on the post.

So for both of these, here are the first few lines from the earlier mentioned charming book!

The first hustle, if you want to call it that, is also the simplest: Smiling.

Now, please don’t be one of those douche-nozzles that go around telling women to smile more or anything, but as far as the daily life of a seventeen-year-old Black guy of above-average height goes in this city, I learned a long time ago that smiling goes a very long way.

Not smirking, not grinning. An earnest Smile.

Friday 56

THE FRIDAY 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice. To play, open a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on your e-reader). Find a sentence or two and post them, along with the book title and author. Then link up on Freda’s Voice and visit others in the linky. 

If questioned at gunpoint, dangling over a vat of acid, I might have to admit that Corinne Troy is– can be — kind of cool. Even the blackmailing thing had a certain hustle behind it you kind of had to admire.

Book Blogger Hop

This meme’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, and befriend other bloggers and is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question/theme for this week: February 3rd – 9th – What was your favorite genre to read a child? Do you still read that genre, or do you read something else now?


I have to say my answer might disappoint (or not). As a child, I read anything printed, devoured the printed text, I mean. Comic books, magazines, novels, short stories, essays, the newspaper, and the etcs. And I haven’t changed as a grown up. Though I do tend to read certain kinds of books more than others, I think I still read almost every genre that I have encountered so far (at least a little!)

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, will you pick up the featured book to read for yourself? What about your favorite type of books to read – as a child, and now? And any ‘charming’ quotes?

10 thoughts on “Is Charming a Verb? It Sure Can Be – Fun!

  1. My first line comes from In Spotlight and Shadows from Rachel Scott Mc Daniel:
    Chapter 1 Elise January, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    History didn’t haphazardly repeat itself in the chapters of Elise Malvern’s life.

  2. I’m currently reading Miss Newbury’s List by Megan Walker. It’s a super sweet story!
    “My pulse pounded in my ears. Me? Learn to fight? My fists were as delicate as porcelain. This had to be a joke.”
    I hope you have a great weekend! 😀❤️📚

  3. Sounds interesting! Today I’m reading Forged in Love by Mary Connealy. The first line is: “August 1870, Pine Valley, Wyoming, Near the Wind River Mountains ~ A bullet slammed into the side of the stagecoach carrying Mariah Stover, her pa, and her older brother.” I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Hi Vidya, I am just letting everyone know that I follow on BBH, etc. that I am going to try something new (well, new for me) out. I know that there are other memes similar to this, but I just thought I would do it since Lia doesn’t blog any longer. So let’s see how it goes. I have joined a lot of other memes so maybe you could ‘pay it forward’ and join mine and pass me on if you would be so kind 😉

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