January 31st was Inspire Your Heart with Art Day as well as yaD sdrawkcaB! So here is some art I discovered looking backwards into my posts.. a little later than planned but hope it does inspire your heart!
Street Art discovered on a random street in Winter Park, Florida. Does that not make you feel warm in Winter Park?

Doodling it out in this post and it does make the heart smile 🙂

A diorama by my son inspired by and for a Hugo related fourth grade book report project. He had just finished reading the book and wanted to use this for his project. Thanks to a shoe box, a used tea carton and some cardboard – this is what he came up with!

And now, the end of this post
Dear reader, how does art inspire you? What art has recently inspired you? Do let me know..
Here are my previous posts for the month:
- Book Review: I’m Stretched
- Wordless Wednesday: Puzzles for National Puzzle Day
- Tiny Travelers Series: Picture Book Reviews
- Sunday Scribblings #23: Make it Count
- Blog(ger)s That Make My Day
- Deal Me In #3: Cathedral by Raymond Carver
- Picture Book Review: Old Man of the Sea
- 10 Recent Additions to My Bookshelf
- 5 Reasons to Reach Out and Hug
- Deja vu? Golden Shovel Revisited
- Sunday Scribblings #22: A Week That Showed What Time Is
- Picture Book Review: Don’t Let the Beasties Escape this Book
- Another Challenge: Blog Audit Challenge 2020
- A Very Short-Short Story: Last Long Night
- Book Review: Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
- Sunday Scribblings #21: When Sundays Tumble into Tuesdays
- Mini Reviews: Picture Books
- Life is a Circus
- How Impressions Transcend Time
- My Lit List: 3 Free Reading Websites for Kids
- The Rocking Horse Winner
- Sunday Scribblings #20: In the Year 2020, We Will
- 2020 Reading Challenges – Join the Fun!
- Resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something
- A Resolution To Keep the Resolutions We Make
- On the First Day of the Decade, My …