Since I read the news about Chadwick Boseman’s unexpected death, I found myself saddened by it and at the same time awed by the real life hero he was. He had lived his life to the fullest and played those roles people all over the world enjoyed through treatment sessions. And having spent time with family during their cancer treatment, I know how tough it would have been. But we never knew as we watched and enjoyed The Black Panther or other movies. Boseman lived his legacy indeed. And I found myself wondering about what I was doing to live my legacy as well as thinking about the legacies loved ones have left behind.
Legacies of Lost Loved Ones
This news reminded me of others I had lost and the legacies they lived. My dad, my father-in-law, my grandparents, so many loved ones, as well as those others who come into our lives, and who left their imprints on those around them. And shaped me into who I am in numerous ways.
While I miss those lost loved ones, one of the things that comforts me is the immense legacy they left behind – the memories, the joy they spread everywhere, the lives they touched. Each of them certainly lived their legacies; and I can only hope to do at least an iota of what they accomplished. (repeating myself here slightly from an earlier post)
I talk about the lessons my dad taught me in this post(written shortly before he passed away); and that is what he left in me.
“We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk
Living Our Legacies
So how can we live our legacies? Based on the lives of those I know who live their legacies each day, and those who have since passed away but lived their lives to the fullest, here is what I think will help me live my legacy:
Believe You Matter & Be You
You Matter
First, we need to believe that we matter. That everything we do matters, in one way or the other, to the world around us, to those around us. And then, make it happen. Know that each one of us is unique and has a role to play in the world.
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr.Seuss
Be You and Be True to Yourself
Practice what you preach; and that goes a long way. I definitely know that the qualities I picked from my parents and grandparents were those that they lived each day (and they did practice what they preached!.
. “You make your mark by being true to who you are and letting that be your staple.” —Kat Graham
Living even our everyday life with passion will fill life with energy – your own life and that of those around you. And if you find a purpose and a passion, a thing that makes you you, then even better.
And living that purposeful, passion-filled life will inspire others around you, because remember:
“To the world you may just be someone, but to someone you may be the whole world.”
(not sure who to attribute the above quote to – I see Dr.Seuss, Bill Wilson, and others to whom this quote is attributed in various places)
And Then Be a Better You
Identifying your passion and purpose, and pursuing them is one wonderful way to live your legacy. Identifying what can make you a better you, and working on it a little each day, is another. This is another way to practice what you preach. In the process, there is progress too!
Know That Everything Counts
Every action – from the seemingly “everyday” mundane to that wondrous thing we manage to do – makes an impact. And like the actions of others shapes the world in ways big and small, our actions do too.
A smile, a small kindness, a helping hand, a routine everyday task, that first cup of coffee or chai you brew for yourself and a loved one, even that toast you burned as you picked up the phone to chat with a friend..
I was always awed with my dad’s ease in making strangers feel like family and making them feel better no matter how they were a second before they met him. And I hope that is one of the everythings I can make a part of my life as well.
“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Share Stories and Make Memories
I always wish that I had recorded (in writing at least) more of the life stories of my grandparents than I currently know. It is such a wonderful legacy to pass on to the next generation. And I know I am going to ensure I have more stories of my parents to pass on. In the process, I will also share stories of our lives with the kids.
“Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends. It’s the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.” —Steve Saint
And make new memories worth sharing as stories to pass on for the future.
Live Your Legacy
So, live life to the fullest, by being the best-you everyday; and you are living your legacy!! For legacy is not something you leave to the world, it is how you live in the world….
“You have no idea what your legacy will be. Your legacy is what you do everyday. Your legacy is every life you’ve touched, every person whose life was either moved or not. It’s every person you’ve harmed or helped, that’s your legacy.” – Maya Angelou

Books I Will Read to Help Me
Some of the books I have read in the past that I know will help me, as well as other new discoveries that I am yet to read are below:
- Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
- Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly
- Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives
I like what you say here about living in such a way as to live a legacy. But I think that what I find most inspiring is the reminder that everything counts! For those of us who are wondering if we will ever do something BIG, you remind us that everything we do is big!! That every time we smile at someone who needs it, or say something encouraging, or share love with a hug, or cook a much-loved meal, it counts as part of a lasting legacy.
I recently lost my dad and I am kicking myself for not having him and my mom writing done there stories from then they were growing up as well as my Uncles. Because there is no, one left in my mom’s family but Aunts and with Charlie studying Genealogy it’s hard to find the info we need. I will not make this mistake with my legacy or let my husband we will make sure and write our stores down so Charlie can pass them down to his children.
That’s the essence of tikun olam- to make the world better one step at a time- every single day.
Being true to yourself is the best thing that you can do for yourself. Your kids will be able to share your legacy through them as well.
I never really thought about MY legacy. I always just thought about living life, but it’s been quite hard during this pandemic. Remembering that every act of kindness matters gives me peace of mind because although, we are stuck at home, we can continue to be kind to each other.
Yass!! All you have to do is just live and enjoy the simple pleasures of life!
What a meaningful post. I feel like writing about my family adventures has helped to record our lives. Like Roy Ackerman said, tikun olam -repair the world and make it a better place.
So many excellent ideas and resources. I especially enjoyed the idea of telling stories – this has worked wonders in my family. I also love Daring Greatly and would like to read the Gretchen Rubin book, just have had such a long list of books to read I haven’t gotten to it yet~!
PS your quote collection is amazing!
Chadwick Boseman’s death was such a shock, but one thing that I appreciated about him was how his whole circle kept his sickness private. He had such loving and respectful people in his life, and I think that everyone needs that kind of love and kindness in their lives.
WOW what a powerful blog. I’ve never thought of it as a legacy but I do hope that Lia and her nomt have in some way been inspired by me. That way it may be my legacy that inspires them to live theirs.
Life is indeed too short. We will never know what comes next. So living each day with a purpose to make a difference really do matters.
I really love some of these quotes!
What a thoughtful post! Those small everyday actions, smiles, and random acts of kindness really are so important.
This is one i have to think about. From now on, it will be something i will be working on.
We were just talking yesterday about the people who are gone but who we think about almost every day.
That last Maya Angelou quote will quickly make someone get up out in effort. To think what we do daily is our legacy. Wow.