There are places that I know and have seen that I love to read about in books, and places that I read about in books I want to travel to. This week’s Top Ten theme over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl is Settings we would like to see more of.

I have actually done this exact same theme earlier here. Each visit to these settings through books holds the joyous thrill of new discoveries and the familiar comfort of home. Some are real while others are fictional, some are specific while others less so.
And other similar top tens, including Books that Inspire Travel, Fictional Places You’ll Wish Were Real, Bookish Settings I Would Love to Visit (if real), and Worlds I’d Never Want to Live in.
Since I have done this before, today’s top ten settings includes those we would like to see more of (or at all); it is based on a discussion I had with others at home
- San Fransokyo (from the movie Big Hero)
- The oceans (influenced by Life of Pi to an extent)
- An upside-down world (A Stranger Things impact)
- The Sahara and the Amazon (because we want more of these settings)
- Small towns with names like Friendship, Serendipity, Hope and maybe some of those weird named towns too, like Bread Loaf (it really is the name of a town!)
- India (my kids want to read more books that they enjoy set in India, while for me, it is more specifics about settings in India)
- A public mode of transportation – planes, trains, ships, buses, etc (somehow books and movies with these settings move at the perfect pace!!)
- Ireland and Scotland (something beautiful and magical about them)
- The ends of the earth – literally – the Arctic and Antarctica
- The circus and the zoo (The Night Circus, The Zookeeper’s Wife, and so many other books I read as a child/adult)
What about you? What are the settings that you want to see more of in books? Let me know if any of these will show up in yours
And so my bookish summer continues…..
This was for Day 23 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!
Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:
- A Bookish Summer Begins
- She Reads…..They Read..
- Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books
- Re(a)d, White and Blue
- 15 Cool Words Every Book Lover Should Know
- Book Review: A Walk in the Woods (Guest Post)
- Sunday Scribblings #12: Summering Bookishly
- Hiking and Treasure Hunts
- Top 10 Fictional Bookworms
- Clerihew for Who
- Throwback Thursday in My Bookish Summer
- Sunday Scribblings #13: Summers Are Bookish No Matter Where You Are
- 3 Mini Reviews of Books
- 10 Authors Whose Books I would Buy Without Much Thought
- 5 Quick Tips to Have a Bookish Summer
- Summer Reads of Childhood Today
- More Girls Who Rocked the World: Book Review
- 5 Literary Landmarks in the San Francisco Bay Area
SundayScribblings #14: Totally Booked Summer- Book Review: When Charley Met Emma
It would be so interesting to read about an upside down world!