Since April 17th is International Haiku Poetry Day, that is what I am celebrating for Poetic Sunday today – the haiku. You can celebrate it so many ways – by participating in the Rolling Haiku Collaboration (thus contributing to ‘the world’s largest annual collaborative poem!’), or by simply writing a haiku or two, or a variant of the haiku for yourself or to share with others.
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Poetic Sundays: Haiku
As I was going through The Haiku Foundation site, I decided to look at it’s What is Haiku? page, and I am so glad I did. Going beyond the 5-7-5 plus nature-reference definition, the post offers a beautiful look at the haiku.
Since I am still on my journey to even being a newbie, I know I will be spending more time at the site, exploring all it has to offer. Be sure to check it out for yourself, and as I mentioned earlier, you can write a haiku in response to this year’s theme of rebirth and be a part of the world’s largest collaborative poem!
Haiku and Human’s Best Friend
This week, I am once again using NaPoWriMo’s prompt for the day. Day seventeen’s prompt: developed by the comic artist Lynda Barry, it asks you to think about dogs you have known, seen, or heard about, and then use them as a springboard into wherever they take you.
Below is the image from the tweet linked in the prompt above.

So while I did not really list even ten dogs, I wrote about the first two dogs that came to my mind. Also, I did not use a 15-minute timer but read a few other haiku instead to inspire me.
As for the two dogs, one of them was – unsurprisingly – a dog we met recently and most likely is going to be the one responsible for making me a dog-person! We met him at the Airbnb we stayed in a couple of months ago for a short weekend trip; he truly wrapped himself around my heart in the few hours we spent indoors, and still stays there.
His head on my lap
Melting the winter within
In freezing weather
The second dog I recalled surprised me; so that exercise did have its intended effect. He was most likely the first pet dog I interacted with in my life. His name was Loshe, and he was the beloved dog of our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Bird, who were the most lovely people! And this exercise thus reminded me of them, and a few others as well. Anytime I stopped by their home for a visit, which was almost every (other) day, I would see him lying down next to Bird aunty while I chatted away with her most likely while feasting on cookies that she made sure to keep ready for me!
Wise old eyes hidden within
Gray hair that covers
Summer and winter

At Home
While I missed mentioning this in my post last week in upcoming events, we celebrated our New Year (the Tamil New Year) on the 14th of April.
On My Blog
My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings. Each letter of the alphabet features a poetic form for the letter as well as one or more books (poetry related).
- Sunday Scribblings #103: Playing With Prompts Or Ways to Better Creativity
- Intramirroral Looks Into Being Odd New You
- Johnn Not John on a Jaunt for Jam
- The Kimo to Capture Moments and More
- The Loop of Lost Languages
- A Minute Before the Mirror
- The Nove Otto and Reasons to Rhyme With Orange
On My Blog & Homefront
It is spring break for my high-schooler so we will be basking in the sun (it is here along with a few scant April showers, which we so desperately need here in the Bay Area). As for the blog, the alphabetical journey continues.
This Week’s Celebrations
Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)
- Literary birthdays this week of April include: Alexandra Adornetto on the 18th; Stanley Fish on the 19th; the 20th celebrates Mary Hoffman, Sebastian Faulks, and Rebecca Malakai; Alistair Maclean and Charlotte Brontë on the 21st; Janet Evanovich, Louise Glück, Henry Fielding, and Vladimir Nabokov on the 22nd; William Shakespeare on the 23rd; Sue Grafton and Robert Penn Warren on the 24th
- The 18th celebrates National Columnists’ Day
- Chinese Language Day is on the 20th of April
- April 23rd is English Language Day, Spanish Language Day, World Book and Copyright Day, as well as World Book Night and National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
Foodie Celebrations
- April 18th is National Animal Crackers Day
- The 19th of April is National Garlic Day
- April 20th this year celebrates National Cheddar Fries Day, National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day, and National Banana Day
- Enjoy National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day on the 21st
- And these colorful favorites – National Jelly Bean Day – have their own celebration on April 22nd. What is your favorite Jelly Bean flavor?
- April 23rd is National Cherry Cheesecake Day and I am ready for it!!
Other Celebrations
- April 18th is International Day for Monuments and Sites, International Amateur Radio Day
- National Look Alike Day is on the 20th of April
- April 22nd is International Mother Earth Day and International Girls In ICT Day
- Get your picnic basket ready and head out, even if only to your backyard, on the 23rd for it is National Picnic Day. It is also National Take a Chance Day
- April 23rd is also Trails Day, which means you could even take your picnic further away from your backyard, if you so wish, so take a chance on it!
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? Will you also end up playing with prompts this week? Or do you have any favorite or fun prompts I can use?
Previous posts for these challenges (the A2Z, NaPoWriMo and UBC) are in links below.
Day 0 Day 1 – A Day 2 – B Day 3 Day 4 – C Day 5 – D Day 6 – E Day 7 – F Day 8 – G Day 9 – H Day 10 Day 11 – I Day 12 – J Day 13 – K Day 14 – L Day 15 – M Day 16 – N
Linking up to BlogChatterA2Z, Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge, NaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge
Also linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon
I love the way you have captured the essence of these two dogs in your haiku! The first one is so typical and reminds me of our old dog – the cats melt the winter within now, and the wise old eyes say it all in the second one.
Thank you for sharing, it is always interesting reading Haiku , never tried one myself, but might give it a go and check out the Haiku Foundation. Also like the sound of the Chocolate covered Cashews Festival 🙂
Ultimate Blog Hop
Because Challenge Doesn’t Fit
Led me to Lady
Another interesting poem style. I love that you post the daily celebrations and hope I can remember National Banana day on the 20th and National Picnic day on the 23rd!
Vidya, first, Happy Tamil New Year for April 14th! Second, every time I read the word “haiku”, I get excited, so apparently I need to play around with that form of writing. I love your two dog haikus. Last, I again appreciate your introducing us to the Israeli haiku-cousin, the Kimo. Fascinating.
I love haikus. What a wonderful post! Your haiku was very appealing. Here is one from me to you.
walking down the street
wind shoves to my eyes
when will spring begin?
Hi there Vidya!
I love the idea of writing about the dogs. Love your lines… My female labby is really old and I know she can’t have that much time left. That makes me sad.
I’ve never eaten or baked an upside down pineapple cake! Maybe it’s a good idea to bake one for national upside down pineapple cake.
Have a good week Vidya!
Elza Reads
Dogs are such wonderful animals. I love meeting dogs when we go out with the family.
I’ve always been fond of Haikus. I love the writing exercise with the dogs and I enjoyed reading how yours turned out!
I love Haikus. I could write poems and stories about my dogs and their crazy adventures.