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Great Galentine’s Day Reads For You

Galentine’s Day is definitely one day worth celebrating, which is why I decided to use my love freebie for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday to share great Galentine’s Day reads with you. All the listed books have wonderful female friendships – though they might not be the main focus of the story, they manage to shine through (at least for me).

Friends are an important part of our life. I am lucky to have wonderful girl friends – childhood school friends who were my first secret-keepers, college friends who helped me navigate the newness of a new city, of a new everything, and later mom-friends and friends from work who are my trouble-shooters and commiserators of those frustrating times and sharers of proud mama-moments!

Of course, I cannot forget or discount my cousins; countless days of summer spent together at family gatherings and weddings and simply being in one place, while sharing so many secrets and stories that only little girls seem to have that are now those between those little girls

And the best part of this, those best friends from long ago – they are truly bffs! It is always a great feeling to know you can pick up the phone and talk to your friend about no-matter-what, and she will listen, sans judgement.

So here is my list of ten; they include books that I read with my DD (who is sixteen as of today) when she was little (so for little ones) and books I read as a child, as well as books we discovered in the years since.

Great Galentine’s Reads

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Thank you for your support. Please see the full disclosure for more information. I only recommend products I definitely would (or have already) use myself

Little Women

So very often, your first friends are your siblings. And they are among your best friends too. It is hard not to admire and totally cherish the bond between the March sisters.

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood 

Then we have this book; which proves that daughters often turn out to be your best friends, and that our friends can be sisters too!! My memories are hazy about the book and its movie as well, but the feelings it left me with are strong.

Anne of Green Gables

Anne makes frequent appearances on my blog! I loved the fierce friendship between Anne and Diana; and so glad I have friends like they were to each other. If you want to get a different edition of the book (because you already have a few), check out this cool graphic edition that I loved.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 

This is another read that proves friends are your soul-sisters, ones you can share just about anything with, and being with them is like slipping into a pair of comfortable pants!! (sorry, couldn’t resist!) (teen and YA, and up)

The Sound of Freedom 

This story portrays such a sweet friendship, in the middle of the worst hardships. It is one of those books that went on my ‘please-read-this-book’ list as soon as I read it. (for 9 – 12 years, and up)

Number the Stars 

Lois Lowry never fails to weave magic with her words, and this book is no different. Like The Sound of Freedom before, this is a story that shows how friends can be your lifeline, literally. (for 10 – 12 years, and up)

Fancy Nancy series

Nancy and her best friend Bree have the kind of friendship that is so very adorable to read about; the kind of friendship that takes me back to my own childhood as well. Granted, things were way different back then, but the strong thread of sweet childhood friendships connects me to Nancy! My now 16 yo old (in fact, it is her sweet 16th today) cherished these books when she was little, and we both love them still, for the sweetness and of course, those amazing illustrations. (for 4 – 10 years, and up!)

The Wig in the Window

While I never reviewed it, all of us (my son, my daughter and I) loved this when we read it years ago. Sophie Young and Grace Yang are best friends and together, they make a cool spy duo as well. This is a fun read that anyone can enjoy. (for 8 – 12 years, and up)

Breathing Underwater

A tugging at heartstrings read that shows sisters (and friends) are the backbone we need when we weaken. (10 – 14 years, and up)

The Traveling Shop Series

Rebecca Raisin’s Traveling Shop series is perfect for anyone who loves to read about sweet romances, strong female friendships, traveling, and well, book stores or tea shops in vans! My review for book one of this series is here. (women’s fiction)

The Milk Lady of Bangalore  

This was a delightful memoir of an unexpected yet lasting friendship. Just goes to show you never know where you might find a new friend.

Radium Girls (Young Readers Edition)

Another book I never got around to reviewing; and yes, a nonfiction read, but this book shows how friendships are forged in the toughest of conditions, and how a band of women can bring about change.

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And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you read any of these books? What are your recommendations for great Galentine’s Day reads?

14 thoughts on “Great Galentine’s Day Reads For You

  1. I love this post. Friends are so important and so many friendships last longer than partnerships. And wow, I loved Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood! Great list.

  2. Thats such a lovely reflection on friendship! I love how different friends shape different stages of life, and The Wig in the Window sounds like a fun book to share with kids.

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