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Great Bookish Gifts For Dad on Father’s Day

Father’s Day is upon us(almost).. and these gifts will be great for the cool dad in your life… some of these will also work for the grad you know who loves to read… And considering I already have a couple of lists of books as gifts for dad, I decided to take a different approach to today’s listing. So here are some – I hope, slightly different, yet – great thoughtful bookish gifts for the dad in your life ((gift pairings, actually) – could be your significant other, your own dad, your brother, a friend, or any other dad you know who deserves a thoughtful gift!

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The Bookish Gifts For Dad – Well, Pairings Actually!

So these bookish gifts for dad are, as I mention earlier, slightly different.. some are more bookish than others (even though all pairings do have one book!!) You will see what I mean as you go through these yourselves.

Literally Lit Pairings

Toast to the timeless themes of classic literature with these glasses featuring text from favorite books. You could pick this pictured annotated Ulysses, of course, if you choose the Joyce Rocks glass… Or the illustrated War of the Worlds book I mentioned in an earlier post with the H. G. Wells Rocks glass, or you could gift it with The H. G. Wells Collection: Deluxe 6-Volume Box Set Edition! And if you (well, the dad in your life) thinks that Melville Rocks, then you can pick up this Gregory Peck and Orson Welles starrer Moby Dick to go along with it. But if windmills are the way to move things, then pick up the Cervantes Rocks glass along with this cool Word Cloud edition of Don Quixote!

Mix it Up With Music

For the bookish dad who also loves music, or more specifically, loves those classic vinyl records, this pairing will be perfect! Don’t you think so? The 1000 Record Covers book is cool, artistic, and showcases classic record covers that will wow him! And you can be sure that you won’t go wrong with these Guitar Bookends for all the books he already has.

May the Force Be With Him!

A Star War fan, if the dad in your life is, You well, then these two gifts will serve!!! Get the Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection book (I am loving the look of this book myself!), and pair it with the very cool looking Yoda bookend(s)

For the Car Aficionado

A book all about cars paired with an all-time, all-age favorite – a Lego car kit. It can be any other model too but I just love this color (and the price on this one is not too bad too!). The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile sounds and looks wonderful to even me (not a car aficionado – it is something that gets me to that other place.. though I admit I fall in love with cool colors sometimes; and the wheels!)

For the Serial Griller

While I will most likely be only grilling vegetables (as will the dad and the grad in my life), this pairing of the book that shows readers the Way to Grill step-by-step along with these ingenious Kabob Grilling Baskets with additional skewers must be one made in culinary heaven

For the Outdoor Enthusiast (All Levels)

I recall reading the SAS Survival Handbook a few years ago when my son’s scout troop had a wilderness survival camping trip. Families were invited on the trip as well, and we went along but we left the complete wilderness survival part to the scouts. While we did camp, we slept inside sleeping bags in our tents and our scouts did the whole sleeping out in the wilderness thing after constructing a shelter for the night using all the stuff they found in nature! But I enjoyed the little I did read of this book!! And I think I planned to order the 17-Tool Survival Kit but for some reason did not (well, we had a couple of other things with us already that served similar purposes!) but it sure is a nifty thing to have!!

For the Lover of Mysteri-eads!

Murder Mysteries in many forms! A book and a board game in one (Murder Most Puzzling: 20 Mysterious Cases to Solve) along with Chronicle Books Murder Most Puzzling: The Clairvoyants’ Convention 500-Piece Puzzle from Murder Most Puzzling! I don’t think I will be buying this one for the dad or the grad but for myself!! But of course, I can use the dad and/or the grad as an excuse to get it now 🙂

Some More Bookish Gifts For Dad

While I realized that I can keep going, I will use the other ideas for another post… but until then, here are a few other bookish/book gifts:

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Great Bookish Gifts For Dad on Father's Day

And Now, the End of This Post

So do any of these gifts appeal to you (for yourself, or to gift to someone else in your life?) Do you have any additional suggestions for bookish gifts for dad? I would love to hear your thoughts on these pairings…And if you are a parent, what is the most wonderful gift you have received from your child? As your parent’s child, what is the thing you truly loved gifting to your parent? Or the one gift you wish/want to give your parent?

22 thoughts on “Great Bookish Gifts For Dad on Father’s Day

  1. Hi Vidya, what a great variety of father’s day gifts to choose from with an book that can compliment the gift. My dad is more of the grilling type, but he also likes old cars, so I will have to decide which one he likes the best. Thank you for sharing!

    Sending lots of love and gratitude,

  2. What a great list of books! My grandson isn’t a dad yet but he’d love the Car book with the Lego model! Zac owns an auto detailing and repair shop, I’ll have to get it for his birthday!

  3. Oh! This is perfect since I still do not have a gift yet. My husband would love The Lightsaber Collection since he is a huge Star Wars fan. Thank you for sharing this. The Yoda bookend is also a must-have.

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