Everything Else, Learning, Memes, Writing

Goals For The Year

The past couple of years, I made and updated for myself a treasure map of goals to reach. While I did not yet reach them/achieve them fully, I did try to work towards (most of) them. And that point is why, at four days into this new year, I am planning my goals for this year. And reusing some of the ones from earlier, here are my 2018 goals – to be healthy, wealthy, and wise; and a 13 point list to help work towards them!! And if I am even halfway through some or most of them, that is still more than where I am at today and I will be happy…

  1. Exercise – I need to work on this seriously, so to break it down more specifically
    • Walk towards 10k steps everyday
    • Zumba twice a week (love dancing!)
    • Yoga once a week
  2. Hydrate
  3. Eat well (reduce dessert intake/plan and follow a weekly menu)
  4. Sleep – better sleep habits, as in the saying ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy, and wise.’ So am going to work towards this habit and here are some tips I plan to use to achieve that.
  5. Spend wisely.
  6. Be in touch with family and friends more often than now
  7. Volunteer – at the shelter/soup-kitchen – with both my kids in scouting, I do get more opportunities to do this, so will work on doing it more often this year and do a RAK every week
  8. Start seriously working on my 52 week list made years ago (update as needed, but work towards checking it off)
  9. Read – My reading challenges, will hopefully take care of my reading goals
  10. Write –
    • in my journal everyday – just a line or two
    • poems – keeping a goal of six a month
    • posts on my blog – everyday during UBCs; and other months too if possible (excuse myself from this 5 days a month)
    • reviews that are overdue – book and product reviews I have been planning to complete
    • reviews for books that I read this year promptly
    • product reviews for products I truly enjoy using and know others will love too promptly
    • letters by hand – at least one a month
  11. ย Learn – complete a course (even online) and earn a certificate, if possible
    • in something I love
    • in something that will be useful (even if I don’t love it!)
  12. Start learning a new language (Spanish might be a good choice as my son is learning it in high school now)
  13. Learn one new skill (need to figure out what) and relearn an older, left-in-the-sidelines one (drawing and painting)

13 thoughts on “Goals For The Year

  1. These are awesome goals. I love the first one as that was my primary goal, one l knew l could achieve and hopefully be consistent with. I live right across from a park so every morning, my husband and l have been walking and so far so goo. Blood sugar down, a few pounds lost and feeling better overall. Good luck! :-). I am also learning Spanish, very slowly though but being that l live in Spain, l need to hurry up :-).

  2. I achieved my three goals last year, but there was one I forgot (2 books on Amazon by the end of the year) and then I had to scramble to make it come true! This year, my goals are a little fuzzier so I won’t be overwhelmed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Great goal! I especially like #11. I always like to learn new things for 2 reasons. #1 because I enjoy learning new things and #2 because at almost 70 years old I’m excited to be able to learn and retain what I’m learning!

  4. I wish you the best for achieving as many goals as you can. Your list is impressive! Zumba sounds like fun! I love to play Wii tennis, so I’ll be doing more of that this year.

    1. thank you Colleen.. and love your list.. my list is definitely many items but hopefully while i might not achieve all of them, i will end up at least halfway there for many of them which will be more than what i am at today ๐Ÿ™‚

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