Blogging, Books, Current Events, Life, Lists, Poetry, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #184: Girl, Me Too Wish You Were Here Now

You know I note down and share a few events and celebrations each week, including the major ones that many of us already know about as well as the quirky ones and other small yet meaningful ones. April 7th celebrates Girl, Me Too Day, which is a day “to recognize the strength and endurance of women of all ages, showing support and coming alongside each other through thick and thin” (source).

So here is to women and girls of all ages all across the world, lending support to one another, and making womankind stronger each day.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #182: Celebrating Wondrous Colors of Life and Poetry

Poetic Sundays: Wishful (th)Ink(ing)

NaPoWriMo’s day 7 prompt: Write a poem titled “Wish You Were Here” that takes its inspiration from the idea of a postcard. Consistent with the abbreviated format of a postcard, your poem should be short, and should play with the idea of travel, distance, or sightseeing.

Wish You Were Here (Or At least Saying “Me Too”)
I sent a postcard to my muse
Enclosed a snap at my frazzled best
Hoping she would not refuse
My simple humble single request
I wish you were here, I really do.
(And I hope you say “me too!”

(Bu my muse, she is on that faraway beach
Nestled under mountains, away from reach.
With books for company, and desserts galore
I wonder if she even remembers me anymore!)

~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

Photo by abi ismail on Unsplash


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings (Each one includes a poetry book or two from the letter of the day)

We had my husband’s maternal uncle spend a couple of days with us, and it was wonderful having him here, even if briefly. And now he is off for further travels, visiting other relatives.


On My Blog & Homefront

Well, I am once again already playing catchup with posts at the end of the day rather than the start. But hoping to continue to post each day as much as possible (though I know next weekend is going to be tough)

We have get-togethers planned with wonderful celebrations in the extended family so that will keep me busy as well (hoping i can get my muse back from her vacation with some superpowers too so I can actually write additional posts to schedule posts!!! LOL at myself here!)

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week of April include:  Barbara Kingsolver and Sara Shepard on the 8th; Charles Baudelaire on the 9th; Anne Lamott and Paul Theroux on the 10th; Thomas Harris (of The Silence of the Lambs fame) on 11 April; Beverly Cleary and Tom Clancy on April 12th; Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney on the 13th of April; Mireille Guiliano on April 14th
  • Encourage a Young Writer Day is on the 10th
  • The 12th is D.E.A.R. Day or Drop Everything and Read Day (Beverly Cleary’s birthday)
  • National Scrabble Day is on the 13th of April

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Wrapping up my Colors of Life Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. Also linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo

And you can find all my A-Z+ posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

A to Z Challenge Posts

image of a dandelion and title says wishful thinking and all that stuff

11 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #184: Girl, Me Too Wish You Were Here Now

  1. I really like that poem, it is really lovely. I always enjoy reading those. Sounds like a lot of great celebrations coming up too.

  2. It can be overwhelming to keep up with the workload at times, leading to the need to play catchup with tasks. This struggle to stay on top of responsibilities is something many people can relate to in their daily lives.

  3. The vast number of “days” dedicated to people, products, recipes, and ideas and more always amazes me. Your list is awesome.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.coom

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