Books, Learning, Technology, Writing

F is Fabulous: F is for The Fault in Our Stars, Fibonacci, and Functional

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” 
Helen Keller (feelings)

My theme: something about books, something about poetry, and something about tech – QA in specific. F is Fabulous: F is for The Fault in Our Stars, Fibonacci, and Functional

#tfios fib functional

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Entertainment Corner

F is Fabulous: F is for The Fault in Our Stars

The Book:

The Fault in our Stars – My son, after he read it. asked me why I did not let him know beforehand how heart-wrenching it was. As I have mentioned a few times on my blog, the two of us recommend next reads and seem to enjoy the books the other one has liked. I am hoping to convince him to guest post on my blog (he did it once here).

But getting back to the book, I never reviewed this. I think I was still weeping copiously and somehow missed it.

The Movie:

I am glad I watched this movie all by myself (though I cannot recall how or when now). I repeated the weeping copiously bit and my puffy-red-rimmed-eyes were all cleared up by the time the rest of the fam came home.

The casting was brilliant, each and every actor seemed made for the role they played. It is one of those where you cannot imagine anyone else playing that role versus those movies where you later go – You know, xyz might have been a better fit or I wonder why they cast abc here,. I repeat, this is not one of those movies.

I am not going to point out differences between the book and the movie. I know it is impossible for the two to go hand in hand throughout. There are of course deletions, and a couple variations to the original story-line from the book to the movie. For the most part, the movie is faithful to the book here.

The Question: Book or Movie

This one was almost a tie for me; except for a couple decisions the movie-makers decided to make about veering away from the book.

What about you? Vote below :

[yop_poll id="6"]

To order the book and/or the movie, click on the links below:

Book:  Amazon|| Book Depository || Target|| Barnes and Noble 

Movie:  Amazon||  Target|| Barnes and Noble 

Feelings are much stronger than thoughts.
We are all led by instinct,
and our intellect catches up later.
– Bono

“Too often, feelings arrive too soon, waiting for thoughts that often come too late.” ― Dejan Stojanovi

Poetry Corner

F is Fabulous: F is for Fibonacci

I am kind-of-a-geek; I love solving puzzles, I love mathematical patterns, I love …well, I could go on but I do love my numbers. And I enjoy poetry too (which incidentally does have a lot of math within). So when I see something explicitly, specifically combining the two, I am hooked.

The Fibonacci poem is one such marriage of math and poetry, and is based on the Fibonacci sequence.

So what is the the Fibonacci Sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers, starting from zero where every number after one (so 0,1,….) is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. This sequence finds itself in art, architecture, music, poetry, nature, and even business! This sequence though named after an Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano, who was also known as Fibonacci (1170 – 1250), dates back to ancient India (500 B.C) (check out links below).

Image attr: Wikimedia Commons

There is so much to say about this that I can go on and on but since I really mean to talk poetry, I will point you to other links instead. To read more about the Fibonacci sequence, you can check out any of these links below that I found interesting:

The Fibonacci Poem, or the Fib

Simply put, the Fibonacci poem is a multiple-line verse where the number of syllables in each line equal the sum of the number of syllables in the preceding two lines. And if you want to keep completely in spirit with the sequence it is based on, then you can (assume) the first line has no syllables (n=0 of the sequence), and therefore equals a moment of silence.

The poet can choose to have as many lines as possible, and there are no other rules except to follow the sequence. It does get challenging with increasing numbers of lines, and you can see why when you see the sequence itself : (0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on…

This means most Fibs have six to seven lines and if you chose, you can reverse it after those six/seven lines back to that moment of silence!

My attempt at the Fib is below:

All That One Could Be

Go way back,
When, as a wee one
kitchen gadgets were test objects;
amusement and annoyance were the test results.
And oh, were they glad when I chose that I will be a teacher instead. But that too was,
momentary; then came the doctor phase – awesome sauce –
where toy stethoscopes healed ills.
Next the journalist
that was me;

-Vidya Tiru(LadyInRead)

QA Corner

F is Fabulous: F is for Functional Testing

For any product or application to be certified for use by more users, it needs to do, at the bare minimum, what it is supposed to do, and do it correctly; that is, it functions correctly. If it does not, then at a bare minimum, it is frustrating to the end users; and at its worst, it can be disastrous in so many different ways.

Which is where functional testing is important. It helps verify the product works or functions correctly as per the specifications and requirements for the product, be it a physical product (like the toaster you use at home), a mobile app, or any software.

To ensure functional testing for software gets done right involves the following, at the least:

  • Identify the functions of the product – what is it supposed to do/what are the expected results for any action/inputs – and create tests based on the same. For example, for a calculator software – if a user inputs 1 + 2, the expected result is 3.
  • Create the input data set, and determine the outputs based on the requirements and specifications
  • Execute the tests (using the test cases and input data sets) and compare the actual results with the expected results.

Since this is just an introduction, I will stop here. But there are umpteen resources for more learning and I hope to add more tech posts and have a separate section on my blog going forward.

Wrapping up the F post

“Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.”
Jonatan Mårtensson

I hope my blog is doing what it is supposed to do; you – my dear readers, are the end users of my blog and the best people to answer that question 🙂

What are your comments or questions about today’s post? I would love to hear from you. Check out previous posts in this challenge using the links below.

Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Linking up to BlogChatter A to Z, A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blogging Challenge (click on the images to learn more about these challenges)

4 thoughts on “F is Fabulous: F is for The Fault in Our Stars, Fibonacci, and Functional

  1. I’ve never seen the movie or read the book. But I’ve heard of it and thought of seeing/reading it. Now I might go ahead, though have to wait for a time I won’t mind crying! I love the idea of math and poetry together. My husband is a math teacher, so I’m going to ask if he’s heard of this. I’m sure he has. Happy A to Z.

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