

Today’s post is for dVerse Poetics: Muse Mixology (where the talented De offers us a cocktail of words to use; and to stir them, and mix them ‘outside the, well, bar’! and keeping it under eleven times three) and for  ABC Wednesday‘s letter E – E is for Eleven – that is how old my little girl turned today 🙂 it is on days like these when we truly realize how time flies. (and when a family member wished her and told me, well, she is almost a teenager… , that put it in a whole other perspective of time and its speed!)

She threw back a look
“Here I go, straight up“;
My bones seemed liquid,
“Courage, mom”, her voice,
a little shaken, when I heard,
 ’twas my tonic, my elixir,
– I stood straight up.

And a random look at the number ’11’ (eleven)

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