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Sunday Scribblings #140: Create Wonders With Quirky Words and More

Create wonders with quirky words …and more.. What I am trying to say here is that this week’s poetic section is about using quirkiness to inspire creativity. And how did I arrive at this? First, I was at a loss for ideas, and not sure what I wanted to do, and then, I saw that, apparently, March 27th is Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day, created to celebrate those, well, quirky titles!

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #138: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

Poetic Sundays: Poetic Wonders With Quirky Words

So this week’s poetic Sundays is pretty straightforward actually. Simply look to quirky country music song titles for inspiration to write your poem. How you use them to spark your imagination is up to you.

A How to Guide

Not much to it really, except,

  1. Do a search for quirky country music song titles, and pick one or more that sing to you! Here are a couple of sources for you
  2. You can do any one or a combination of the following to be inspired by those titles you picked above.
    • Use one (or more) as a title to spark your creativity. For example, this is one title that made me smile, and also think, because, well, you can read it yourself:
      • How Can I Miss You If You Won’t Go Away?
    • Pick a few different titles and arrange them as lines of your poem. So say you pick six different titles, you can have a six line poem by putting those lines together in some semblance of order. You could also split those titles across lines by adding punctuation, line-splits, and to get some rhyme/rhythm as you wish.
    • Or add other words/lines between those lines (keeping them intact, or at least the order of words intact)
    • Select a few words from across different titles and come up with your poem, aka, make it a blackout poem.
    • Note: feel free to write your poem in any form you want to.

My Attempt at Poems With Quirky Words

Tried to make a sensibler poem but failed! Here is one quirky attempt – untitled as of now. The song titles are bolded.

I keep forgettin’,
I forgot about you too.

Lately I’ve been feelin’
like a bug on the windshield do (es).
So note this – sweetie
If the phone doesn’t ring,
it’s me!

And yes one more thing
that I’ve learned..
from the Peanut Butter Conspiracy..
no matter what you’ve earned
seems like too much month at the end of money!
~ vidya ~ ladyinreadwrites


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings:

And yes, it is DH birthday on the 26th!


On My Blog & Homefront

My son is home for his spring break, and I do hope to fatten him up before he returns (for like most moms do, I see he has lost weight!) And for the blog, a whole new month is ahead, that of April and many challenges, so I am trying to strategize for that. Also, since the last Sunday in March begins National Cleaning Week, hope I can get my son to help with doing some spring cleaning around the house while I feed him ..

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week of March include: Julia Alvarez on March 27th; Maxim Gorky and Russell Banks on March 28; Amy Sedaris, Ranjit Hoskote on March 29th; Anna Sewell, Thi. Ka. Sivasankaran, and Tobias Hill on the 30th of March; Nikolai Gogol and René Descartes on March 31st; Abraham Harold Maslow, Francine Prose, and Milan Kundera on April 1st; Hans Christian Andersen, and Sue Townsend on 2nd April
  • It is World Theatre Day on the 27th of March
  • Then it is National Pencil Day on March 30th followed by
  • National Crayon Day on the 31st of March, which of course, belongs here too!
  • The 2nd of April is International Children’s Book Day, and you know I love reading children’s books!!
  • April is English Language Month and National Poetry Month

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Multi-Day celebrations

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? Or if you write a few fable poems, do share them with me!

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

funny flat lay smiling face on pink background with glasses and yellow hand and pin title says - Poetic Sundays: Poetic Wonders With Quirky Words

7 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #140: Create Wonders With Quirky Words and More

  1. I don’t really have any literary days that I celebrate but I do hope to participate in NaNo Write MO which is November novel writing month this year. It is when you set your goal to write and publish a novel in November

  2. Your article on using quirky words to create wonders was a delightful read, filled with practical tips and creative examples. I especially enjoyed the section on using onomatopoeia.

  3. This is such an ingenious idea and such an inspiring way of spending time and triggering one’s creativity. As a matter of fact, I think this is a great activity for a bunch of (bored) kids. Especially nowadays as kids tend to read much less (at least literature) and mistreat the language and the spelling due to messengers and so on it would certainly be a great way of showing them the beauty of words and language.

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