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Sunday Scribblings #138: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

March 14th is observed annually as Pi Day as well as International Day of Mathematics. And I do love a slice of pi-e at any time, which is where the cadae comes in, for cadae is a wonderful slice of pi too! Read on to learn more…

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #138: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

Poetic Sundays: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

The word ‘cadae’ is a made-up word and is the alphabetical equivalent of the first five digits of pi, 3.1415. Pi is often represented as π, is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter approximately equal to the number 3.14 or, to fourteen places, 3.1415926535897.

What is the Cadae?

The cadae is a poetic form that seems to have been inspired by the fib and other mathematical poetic forms. With its focus on the first five digits of pi, and the way it does so, it seems like a cross between a haiku and a sonnet (source – Tony Leuzzi’s page via Wikipedia).

Poetically, the cadae form is based on the number pi on two levels, the stanzas, and the lines. There are a couple variations of this form. For both variations, the first level follows the same rule – it has five stanzas with 3, 1, 4, 1, and 5 lines each (following the first five digits of Pi), respectively for a total of fourteen lines in the poem. The two variations differ on that second level

Variation One: Level Two: On the second level, the lines of the poem for each stanza contain a specific number of syllables, corresponding to the first five digits of pi once again. So the lines in the first stanza contain three syllables each, the single line in the second stanza is one syllable, the third stanza has four syllables per line, and so on.

Variation Two: Level Two: On the second level, the lines across the poem each contain a specific number of syllables, corresponding to the sequence of Pi itself. So the first line of the poem has three syllables, the second has one, the third four, the fourth one, and so on.

The Cadae’s Characteristics

Variation One:

At its most basic, the cadae’s characteristics are that it is:

  • Stanzaic: has five varying line stanzas of 3/1/4/1/5 lines respectively
  • Syllabic: number of syllables in the lines of each stanza are the same as the number of lines in that stanza (so 3 syllables in each line of the first stanza which has three lines, one syllable in the second single line stanza, and so on)
  • Rhyming optional
  • Title optional: I have seen both titled and untitled poems, so it doesn’t seem to be a requirement
Variation Two:

At its most basic, the cadae’s characteristics are that it is:

  • Stanzaic: has five varying line stanzas of 3/1/4/1/5 lines respectively
  • Syllabic: with a syllabic structure that follows the sequence of the digits of Pi across the 14 lines of the poem, 3/1/4/1/5/9/2/6/5/3/5/8/9/7
  • Rhyming optional
  • Title optional: I have seen both titled and untitled poems, so it doesn’t seem to be a requirement
Pi in the Sky!
  • Amp it up one more level by trying to ensure that the number of letters in the words of the poem also follow the Pi sequence!!!
  • Made it more than a cadae! Make it a ‘cadaeic’ – which includes two more digits of Pi and follow either variation above. Or keep going as you wish keeping either variation’s rules in mind!!

This is how each variation looks

Variation One:

Stanza #: number of lines with number of syllables in each line (3/3/3 means 3 lines with 3 syllables each; for example, 2/3 would mean 2 lines with 2 syllables in first line and 3 in the second)

S1: 3/3/3
S2: 1
S3: 4/4/4/4
S4: 1
S5: 5/5/5/5/5

Variation Two:

Stanza #: number of lines with number of syllables in each line (3/3/3 means 3 lines with 3 syllables each; for example, 2/3 would mean 2 lines with 2 syllables in first line and 3 in the second)

S1: 3/1/4
S2: 1
S3: 5/9/2/6
S4: 5
S5: 3/5/8/9/7

h/t, Additional Reading, and References

  • On Writing Fibonacci and Cadae Poems (via Wikipedia)
  • The amazing Cadaeic Cadenza written by Mike Keith (this is a many-one-upmanship of the cadae!)

My Attempt at it, for the Cadae is A Wonderful Slice of Pi-e Indeed!

Variation One

A Pie-ce of Me
He is me
Kind of.. not


Often lost somewhere –
in his own thoughts –
when, well, he ought
to be aware.


oh boy, then again,
his thoughts, when he speaks
them, are like a venn
sketch of fun and deep,
of wisdom arcane!

~ vidya @ ladyinreadwrites

Variation Two:

She is my
wonderful girl!


She tests my patience,
at times, and at others, my impatience!
For there is that side too…

~ goofy silly one!

And then, weep….
happy tears are these…
her thoughtfulness tugs at heartstrings,
envelopes us all in fresh-baked warmth,
just like her “world’s best” pie-kies!
~ Vidya Tiru


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings:

Whether it was just its time (it was, after all, 14 years old) or a result of the weird weather recently, our gas water heater developed a leak, and along with all the rain water, the leak found its way to our garage floor as well. So we spent time this past week researching on what next, and finally getting it replaced (ongoing Sunday). And apparently, this Sunday is the start of National Fix a Leak Week (coincidence? I think not!:))

And yes, we decided to get a Ninja Dualbrew for ourselves for the weekend coffees for us (cold ones for the teen, and a hot brew for us). We have just tried it a couple of times, and thanks to excellent Costa Rican coffee (a gift from family), we are loving it! We have thought about a fancier coffee maker at times, but then decided that our weekend coffee drinking habit is not worth that splurge.


On My Blog & Homefront

Well, more rain here for us, and hopefully, I can pour some words on to posts here as well.

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

Image of the symbol Pi surrounded in circular fashion with a few digits of Pi; and pin title says Poetic Sundays: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

6 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #138: Cadae is a Wonderful Slice of Pi

  1. I had no idea that there was a poetic form like the cadae. Your first attempts at a cadae are marvelous, sticking to the form and incorporating a bit of the pi theme. Well done!

    We are oddly dry here. We are actually hoping for some rain this week.

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