Blogging, Current Events, Life, Poetry, Words, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #186: Brightening My World With Yellow Words

It is Big Word Day today, April 21st, as well as World Creativity and Innovation Day. Plus, today’s poetry prompt talks about focusing on a color. I am a fan of warm colors, yellow, orange, and red, and the like. Among them, yellow is closest to my heart. Bright yellows, mellow shades too, and pale lemony yellows all help in brightening the world instantly for me (and many others too for sure). And words hold a special place in my life, both big and small ones. So today’s poetic section takes in a bit of everything.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #144: Unfounded Fears in a Book Lover's Mind

Poetic Sundays: Brightening My World with Yellow Words

NaPoWriMo Day 21 prompt is to write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color. I am focusing on my favorite color, yellow, that never fails to light me up, inside and out! Seeing yellow in nature brightens and warms my heart, wearing certain shades of yellow makes me feel good and confident. To put it otherwise, yellow is my ray of hope, my shining cheerleader, my canvas of creativity, and my cloak of courage

Sunlit Symphony
Color me yellow, with a radiant aureolin glow,
Paint me in shades bold, where citrine and flavine hold.
With hues of gold and corn, let me shine like the Tuscan sun,
In pineapple sweetness, let the day be begun.
As bumblebees dance and dandelions sway free,
Add in the delight of honey, a pinch of dijon for glee.
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings. Each letter of the alphabet features a poetic form for the letter as well as one or more books (poetry related).

    College campus tours and making up minds is what this week was about.. and lots of driving.. and discovering heretofore unknown paths home.


    On My Blog & Homefront

    Down to the final stretch of April’s month-long challenges this week, and I have a couple of confounding letters here, of course.. but let me see if I can line something up with some creativity (if all else fails)!

    This Week’s Celebrations

    Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

    Foodie Celebrations

    Other Celebrations

    Wrapping Up My Brightening Sunday Scribblings

    Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. Also linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo (on Sundays, not to A-Z, Blogchatter)

    And you can find all my A-Z+ posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

    A to Z Challenge Posts

    17 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #186: Brightening My World With Yellow Words

    1. Wow, what a vibrant and inspiring post! Your use of yellow not only brightens the day but also ignites creativity and joy. The poem was absolutely delightful, and it’s amazing how you weave color into your words so vividly.

    2. What a beautiful color to highlight. Yellow is one of my favorite colors because of the beauty and brightness, it brings lots of smiles every time I see it especially flowers.

    3. My two favorite colors are green and yellow. Yellow just makes me smile and I love having lots of yellow flowers in my yard. I just adore the color green too!

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