
Breezing through the memes of the week (again)..

ten books that made me cry is the topic this week over at The Broke and the Bookish.

  1. Black
  2. To
    Kill a Mocking Bird
  3. What
    Katy Did
  4. Uncle
    Tom’s Cabin
  5. The
    Sari Shop
  6. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  7. One
    flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  8. Wonder
  9. Last Man in the Tower/Lord of the Flies
  10. Short stories including – The Rose and the Nightingale, The Last Leaf

Teaser Tuesday:
My teaser today is from the book ‘Made you Look’ reviewed on my blog yesterday.

ABC Wednesday Letter D – The letter D brought to mind the game ‘Dumb Charades’ – the name used in India for the more popular name Charades! Dumb in this context is used in its original meaning – ‘lacking of speech’ or the acceptable meaning – speech-impaired. I also learned how the word’s original meaning has been eclipsed by the more offensive meaning today. It stems from the German word ‘dumm’ that means stupid; as more immigrants came to the United States, this meaning replaced the other for the word ‘dumb’. How languages influence each other in a melting pot of a ocean shouldn’t surprise, yet I learn new things every day.
Going back to my D post for the week – this game does not require much, and is perfect for a rainy day (which we are finally seeing a few of here in Cali). How much we can convey without speaking becomes painfully obvious when we try to play this game and the benefit – loads of laughter, using unused skills and brain cells trying to guess the gestures, and yes, building team spirit.  And, as I build a list of games to be played this time on ABC Wednesday’s 14th journey through the alphabet, I am learning too (and now I know what I need to do for my DD’s birthday party coming up soon – she wants to have it at home with a slew of games for her friends).

Theme Thursday – Thirsty – California is definitely that – thirsty – and we will take every little drop, every drizzle that comes our way. The last couple of days have finally seen a few mild showers (much needed ones) and it is wonderful. Our umbrellas finally see the light (well, not really) of day and they are overjoyed. They are feeling good – up in the air!

5 thoughts on “Breezing through the memes of the week (again)..

  1. I am glad you have got some rain too! Back in my country the Netherlands we have rain every day, more a cold drizzle than a downpour. My daughter in Australia told me that they have so much rain now that they cannot get away to town.
    Wil, ABCW Team

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