Books, Travel

Books That Inspire Travel

I am sure that there are Travel Bugs that Live in Books and bring those travel itches to you as you read them – those books that inspire travel in you. Have you ever read those books? And has the travel bug bit you? I am sure you have, just like I have. There are many books that inspire you to travel, in many different ways. Some by their marvelous descriptions of those far away places (Real or imagined), others by talking about the people and other things that make up a place (the foods, the colors, the traditions, ..well, the sights, sounds, et al), and still others by their own sheer love of travel and adventure. My list of books today for Top Ten Tuesday over at That Artsy Reader Girl, is a mix of all of these that inspire me to travel to these places (someday)

  1. Around the World in 80 Days – One of the first travel books I read 🙂 Jules Verne definitely inspired me to travel, to explore, to go places. His other books too whetted my appetite for travel to places unknown – like in ‘The Mysterious Island’ or ‘20000 Leagues Under the Sea’
  2. The Alchemist – A book that is all about discovery.
  3. Life of Pi – This is definitely a tale of an incredible journey, and I loved both the reading of the book and the movie. 
  4. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage – I first saw a documentary in IMAX about Shackleton’s extraordinary voyage and was awed by the human spirit. I later read the book and was wowed all over again.
  5. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson – Bill Bryson is the master of the travel book! While I am yet to read many of his books, what little I have read has left me wanting more.
  6. Wild by Cheryl Strayed – This inspired me to travel more often on those trails that are close to home indeed!!
  7. Cruelest Journey: Six Hundred Miles to Timbuktu –  Kira Salak
  8. Gulliver’s Travels
  9. The Swiss Family Robinson – this is more of a stay put book than a travel one but I did want to find an island where I could build a house just like this family, and while I would probably not have hunted and eaten any meats, I would have tried to find
  10. Dan Brown’s books – The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons


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