The Wish Carvers is today’s featured book. Thank you to Kathleen Gauer for reaching out to me to read her delightful and magical book; one with an important lesson as well! And I realized it also fits in perfectly with a few thoughts I had planned for Happiness Happens Day which is celebrated on the the 8th of August annually.
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The Book Review
The Wish Carvers
Book Info

Title: The Wish Carvers
Author: Kathleen Gauer
Illustrator: Sari Richter
Publishers: Skipping Stone Press
Pub Date: May 4, 2020
Genre: Children’s Fiction
Age-Range: 5 – 9 years
Source: Author Provided eCopy
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When two sibling elves, Fay and Eddie, come across an old carving knife with the words “what’s carved with me will come to be” on the handle, they decide to carve and paint a pot of gold, a large stone cottage and finally a fairytale castle. But with each wish granted comes more and more complications. Can they find a way to return to their old peaceful life? Find out in this charmingly illustrated whimsical tale that will delight young and old alike!
My Thoughts
A thoughtful story told sweetly with bright and lively illustrations!
The Wish Carvers of the story are two sibling elves named Fay and Eddie. And yes, they literally carve their wishes to life with the help of a magic carving knife they found. For them, it initially seems to be the end of a hard-knock life and they are thrilled; they carve all they crave for and delight in their new-found riches.
But like it has been said – ‘With great power comes great responsibility,‘ and the siblings find themselves unprepared for the responsibilities that their magical carving knife brings with it.
So what do they do next? Read the story to find out…
What I Loved
- Kathleen Gauer’s storytelling, while maintaining a fable-like charm, immediately engages its young audience by being relatable and captivating. They are bound to identify situations and even their own feelings with the story’s characters as they read the book.
- The illustrations are whimsical and lively further lending to the story’s “fable-ness;” the bright colors light up every page, and the details will not fail to delight the reader. All the hidden details make this book perfect for playing ‘I Spy’ games!
- And given the magical fable elements, the book has many magical and mystical creatures across its pages that are an additional source of smiles!
- I love that we learn lessons without being preached at. In addition to the very obvious message of ‘be careful what you wish for,’ I definitely also ended leaving with the messages that ‘less is more after all,’ and one more: that ‘happiness is in the little things.’
- And I also appreciate that the overall story, the details in the story, as well as the illustrations all lend themselves to conversations with young ones. So many possibilities!!
- Last but not the least, the repeated phrase “what’s carved with me will come to be” is simply one that stays with you long after you are done reading the book. And I found myself thinking, what if we carved happiness and smiles wherever we went?

In Summary
A charming and beautiful fable – in words and illustrations – with a powerful message. One that will delight the readers in its reading!
Thank you once again to Kathleen Gauer for reaching out to me and sending me the digital review copy of this book. All the thoughts expressed here are my own.
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Would You Rather
Today’s WYR
Would you rather have 1 wish granted now, or 3 wishes granted in ten years?
Answer: Considering I have no idea what 10 years from now will be like, I would just have the one wish now.
Happiness Happens Day and Month
So August is Happiness Happens Month, and the 8th of August is Happiness Happens Day! You can read more about this celebration at the Society of Happy People website (yes, there is one!) They also have ideas for celebrations and more on the website (even about 31 types of happiness)!
And this celebration reminded me of a few posts I had written about happiness; I list one of them below with a brief description of what you can find when you read it.
- H is for Happiness: Do you have an equation or a formula for happiness? If yes, what is your happiness equation – do let me know? Happiness is so many things to so many people and this post talks about those things.
As for books that make me happy, I think each and every one does; even those that make me sad or angry, because in the end, reading gives me happiness. What about you?
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, did this book remind you of any others? Do let me know which ones. And any recommendations for books about happiness or books that made you happy? I would love to hear about those as well.
I leave you with some happiness quotes.
‘A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships.’ – Helen Keller
‘It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.’ – Chuck Palahniuk
‘Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.’ – Oscar Wilde
What a joy to read your blog post today!
I had no idea August was “Happiness Happens Month” – I’ve been looking for a theme to play with and now I have one! This book looks great, too. Kathleen did a great job! Happy Happiness Happens day!
This is a delightful premise. I’d rather have the wish now, I’m not good at delaying gratification 😉
What a sweet book!
What a sweet book!
Sounds adorable.
What a sweet book!
What a sweet book! Will share with my grandchildren on the age group.
Thanks for sharing! I love learning about new stories that fall into the category of fairy tales, folklore, and fables.
This sounds lovely. I’m sure children will love it. Great review.
This is adorable! Thanks for sharing it 🙂
Aww sounds cute.