Books, Reviews

Book Review: Crushing It

Gamer-mode on: Crushing It by Lorelai Parker. I normally don’t add too many books on my blog that didn’t do much for me. But sometimes, there is enough in the book to appeal to certain audiences, and the book itself does tend to have certain redeeming features. Today’s featured book is one such book.

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The Book Review

Crushing It

Book Info

Title: Crushing It
Author: Lorelei Parker
Publishers:Kensington Books
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2020
Genre: Romance

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In life, as in gaming, there’s a way around every obstacle . . .

To pitch her new role-playing game at a European conference, developer Sierra Reid needs to overcome her terror of public speaking. What better practice than competing in a local bar’s diary slam, regaling an audience with old journal entries about her completely humiliating college crush on gorgeous Tristan Spencer?

Until the moderator says, “Next up, Tristan Spencer . . .”

Sierra is mortified, but Tristan is flattered. Caught up in memories of her decade-old obsession as they reconnect, Sierra tries to dismiss her growing qualms about him. But it’s not so easy to ignore her deepening friendship with Alfie, the cute, supportive bar owner. She and Alfie were college classmates too, and little by little, Sierra is starting to wonder if she’s been focusing her moves on the wrong target all along, misreading every player’s motivations.

Maybe the only winning strategy is to start playing by her heart . . .

My Thoughts

Crushing It did not land in my DNF list (though I thought about it a couple of times), but there was enough of something in this book to keep me going to the end.

First, What I Did Like About Crushing It
  • A female gamer protagonist, in a male dominated world!
  • While the chagrin contest (diary slam in the description) seemed a bit over the top, it was also pretty unique and interesting enough to pull me into reading what it was about.
  • And I loved how it addressed the very real problem of the fear of public speaking (I know I can relate to this fear!)
  • There are moments of writing brilliance, where Parker’s almost poetic writing shines through, and that was like finding treasure in this book.
  • And the mention of the seven types of love from Greek lit – that was lit!
  • As well as some tender moments of romance I could have used more of.
  • I did like Alfie(sweet and supportive, and an outright nice guy, sometimes a little too so), and a couple of the supporting characters (Bryce and Zane – both of who are also contestants in the diary slam, even Aida – Sierra’s best friend, and of course Jasper – Alfie’s dog!)
  • While I am not a gamer(at all), I am enough of a techie to relish the references to the tech world and gaming itself.
And Now, the Other Side
  • I did not really care too much for Sierra(yes, the protagonist who is too much of a contradiction to my liking – is she naive or …) or Tristan (the other main character who is simply too full of himself). While I do my fair share of teen reads and enjoy them as well, I did feel that the characters(especially Sierra and Tristan), acted more “juvenile-ly” than characters in teen reads I loved.
  • While there are humorous moments, too many scenes were a little too cringe-worthy. (I know, I mentioned earlier that the chagrin contest concept intrigued me; and I still am, but hoped for LOL moments; however, found myself in the cringe-zone too often). Though this might definitely work for others…

‘I’d had slain a dragon tonight and caught the eye of a prince.’

‘Tristan had a way of turning me into a personification of Murphy’s Law.

‘As he skipped down the steps and disappeared into the darkness, I held my hand over my cheek, making sure nothing else had been stolen. Other than that kiss. And my rapidly beating heart assured me it was still there.’

‘What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?’

‘And that added a brick to a wall I hadn’t known I was building.’

In Summary

Crushing It is one of those really light reads great for reading between other serious reads; it is a read that does not need too much attention from you.

I do know I will pick the next book by Parker though, solely because I did love her writing style.

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Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for providing me with a eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Would You Rather

Today’s WYR

Would you rather your favorite book become a movie or a TV show or a video game?

My choice would be a movie first (unless it is a favorite series, in which case a TV show might be better)

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, how often have you felt like not finishing a book but continued anyways? What has prompted you to keep going on in such cases? And yes, what were such recent reads of yours?

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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Crushing It

  1. this was fun! I enjoyed reading your review. it has been a long time since I opened up a book that wasn’t either self help, biblically based, recipes, how to train your kids, LOL, etc…it’s been a long time since I read a book just because. I might check this one out, just for an easy read you know? Thanks!

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