Blogging, Current Events, Learning, Life, Poetry, Reviews, Technology, Writing

At the Risk of Repeating Myself and Revealing More

At the risk of repeating myself, this year’s theme is once again a twofer (or should I say ‘two-four’ for the year 2024!). And maybe this two-four post can have anywhere between two to four different things I bring to you for each day of the month! Am I trying to do two much? Sorry couldn’t resist but while it might become overwhelming some days, I am going to figure out ways to make it easier for myself when as needed.

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2024 #atozchallenge

Repeating Myself Once Again with Two Four

Two-fouring this year, like the previous time, will include poetry and something else (most likely lots of tech trends I am enjoying!)

And though each post itself will be a twofer, it will serve way more than a dual purpose as far as challenges go! The A2Z posts will go towards the A to Z Challenge, the BlogchatterA2Z 2024 challenge, the Ultimate Blog Challenge, as well as NaPoWriMo.

My Previous Theme Reveal Posts

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, are you planning to join any of these challenges? If yes, which ones will you be joining in with us?

12 thoughts on “At the Risk of Repeating Myself and Revealing More

  1. Exciting theme reveal! I’m looking forward to following your A-to-Z journey throughout April. Best of luck with the challenge. I’ve restarted my blog and deleted all the old content since I’ve been away for about 10 years and am coming back with the A-to-Z Challenge, hopefully it’ll give me some blog theme motivation and some dedicated readers. My theme is here:

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