My post today is two-pronged. One: I share 5 quick tips on how to have a bookish summer; and Two: I look back to see what reading I have accomplished from that pile of books I shared the 1st of July.
5 Quick Tips for a Bookish Summer
- As you vacay, snap photos on interesting, quirky things or places which remind you of a book you have read; or snap photos of bookish things or places; or snap photos of books you see as you travel! Bonus points if you visit literary sites and snap pics there…
- Carry a book (or more) with you at all times; ebooks do make it easy to have more reading on the fly (pun intended). This way, you can read when you are in that infernal line everywhere – at airports, at theme parks, at events waiting to get in, at popular ticketed destinations… or when you find the time or have the need for a quick read!
- Read outdoors – the beach, the park bench, your backyard – anywhere. But ensure it is well shaded so you don’t return sunburnt and well-lit at the same time so you are not struggling to read. I can vouch for reading experiences enhanced when I read last week in beautiful wooded campgrounds 🙂
- Cook recipes out of a favorite book; or create art (maybe a bookmark or a sculpture or a painting) inspired by a book you love. Make it a family project to increase the fun..
- Read the books that you considered pure indulgence; and/or read books totally out of your comfort zone.
Most important, Have Fun Reading and Have a Wonderful Bookish Summer!
What about you, dear reader? Do you have any tips you would love to share?
Look Back
It is past the mid-way point for July and I pause here to look back; and check what still needs to be read in that pile of books I first displayed on my blog at the beginning of the month.

So, here is the status of these books, in the order they appear in the pic, top to bottom
- Why We Write: Almost done with it, and you can expect to see a review for it in the next few days here.
- More Girls Who Rocked the World: My dd read the book and I am hoping to entice her to write one more review for me 🙂
- Brief Histories of Everyday Objects: My dd read and reviewed this book! Yay! I read parts of it though and did enjoy it..
- What is Your One Sentence? : I am reading it still; and since it does have writing exercises spread throughout the book, taking longer than I expected 🙂
- The Cooked Seed: Yet to start on this one
- Hot X: Algebra Exposed: Got this hoping my dd and I can explore the book (and of course, algebra) in a fun way. While the book is fun and clever, I have so far only perused it.. and hope to use it well soon with my dd.
- Book of Unknown Americans: Another yet to start read
- Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?: I am enjoying this one. I love that we can move back and forth between chapters and we are having family contests solving the riddles, questions, and problems to check if we are all Google-smart!
- On Being 40(ish)!: Read and reviewed!
- The Afterwards: Read; and review coming soon
- How to Invent Everything: Another fun, wacky read I am enjoying currently (and yes, I do tend to read a few books at a time)
- How the World Works: The Periodic Table: This is a cool way to explore chemistry and the elements that make up our world.
- The Power Broker: The sheer size has kept me away from this one but hoping I will get to it sometime..
In addition to these, I have been doing other reading (some completed, others in progress as well); including
- Educated – My son and I are taking turns reading this book… When he is working on summer school-related work, I read it..
- Perry Mason thrillers I read over my weekend sojourn- well, just one.. but had the opportunity to read more..
- and quite a few ebooks as well
And so my bookish summer continues…..
This is for Day 17 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!
Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:
- A Bookish Summer Begins
- She Reads…..They Read..
- Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books
- Re(a)d, White and Blue
- 15 Cool Words Every Book Lover Should Know
- Book Review: A Walk in the Woods (Guest Post)
- Sunday Scribblings #12: Summering Bookishly
- Hiking and Treasure Hunts
- Top 10 Fictional Bookworms
- Clerihew for Who
- Throwback Thursday in My Bookish Summer
- Sunday Scribblings #13: Summers Are Bookish No Matter Where You Are
- 3 Mini Reviews of Books
- 10 Authors Whose Books I would Buy Without Much Thought
I am enjoying a bookish summer! There are so many activities at the library, in addition to my book club. I am reading a variety of books and am enjoying all of them. I have set up a nice place on the porch to read. I should probably just take a book outside and relax. I’m almost finished with an hysterically funny book by Janet Evanovich (she writes about Stephanie Plum, who has a “career” hunting down bail jumpers). I promise never to eat food while I am reading one of these books. #chokingisnotfun (Oh, and check out my blog post for today. There is a nice surprise for you:
Excellent post – I bought a Kindle Paperwhite so I could read outside
Great post and some great tips. I always try and have a book on the go, you never know when you might need it.
Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook
Great post. I love being able to read outdoors in summer.
Such a great blog!!!
excellent post!!!