Art, Books, Learning, Reviews

3 Mini Reviews of Books

I have been meaning to do mini-reviews of books long overdue for one every so often. I hope to do it at least once a month going forward. Today’s mini-reviews is a family effort; containing reviews of books that my kids read and reviewed as well as one of my own.

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Brief Histories of Everyday Objects

3 Mini Reviews of Books

Brief Histories of Everyday Objects
Written and Drawn by Andy Warner
Published by Picador (Oct 4, 2016)
Nonfiction Graphic Novels

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A Briefer review of the book by my daughter.. I am hoping she will elaborate a bit but then it fits the category – mini-review!

I really enjoyed reading this book because it gave me small bits of history about common objects that are all around us. The way the author, Andy Warner, wrote this book in an unique and fun way that made it a quick but informative read.The stories itself for each object were funny and interesting. 

In Summary:

Learning made fun! This is a book to include in middle-grade/upper-elementary libraries as well in your home library for your curious readers.

On Being 40ish

On Being 40(ish)
Edited by Lindsey Mead
Publisher: Simon & Schuster (Feb 5, 2019)
Source: Library
Biographies & Memoirs of Women

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While age is just a number and I do believe that, there are days when I feel my age, totally. And then I wonder – where did the years go? And then when I talk to others or hear from them about the flight of time, it heartens me. It makes me feel (though I do know that very well) that there are others sailing in the same boat as me.

This book is like having multiple friends who offer their stories and make you go, ‘thank you’ or have that ‘aha’ or deja-vu moment. I enjoyed a few of the essays because I could identify myself with the story; others simply because they made me smile or because of the writing itself; while there were a couple (as is true of most collections) that just left me with feeling, well, not much.

A few favorites were Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s ‘Quantum Physics for Birthdays’, Jessica Lahey’s ‘The Breathtaking Potential of the Attosecond’, Meghan Daum’s ‘Same Life, Higher Rent’ and Jena Schwartz’s ‘Poetry:Inheritance and Tip of my Tongue’.

In Summary:

A book that feels like a companion as you read it – well, for women in their – 40s (not necessarily though)! And while I would have loved more variety in the included authors both geographically and culturally, hoping there will be other books that follow that will achieve that.

Little Witches

Little Witches (Magic in Concord)
by Leigh Dragoon
Oni Press
Comics & Graphic Novels , Upper-Elementary/Middle Grade
Pub Date 03 Sep 2019
Source: NetGalley

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I began this book with excitement, as I do llllloooooovvvveee Little Women, truly enjoy comics, and also relish a good retelling of favorite books. This seemed to fit all three categories. But in spite of the fact that it was a 140ish page comic, I felt stuck somewhere in the middle for a bit. Oh:( And then I was off for my son’s week-long summer camp.

After my wooded sojourn, I decided to give the book another try and continued on. This time, I sped through right to the end and while a bit predictable (for me), I had a good time reading it.

I loved that the book effortlessly retains the feel of the original classic while seamlessly combining elements of fantasy and magic; and topping it off with beautiful artwork.

Disclaimer: Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC of this book – Little Witches. The above is my honest opinion of the book.

In Summary:

A book that graphic comic readers who enjoy adaptations/retellings will definitely enjoy.

And so my bookish summer continues…..

This was for Day 15 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow  UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!

Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:

15 thoughts on “3 Mini Reviews of Books

  1. Thank you for the introduction to these books! I’m going to check out the first one, because both my daughter and I would find that one interesting – I’m looking for things to share with her!

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