Happy New Year!!! 2021 has begun….and while I am not sure I should have done this, I did it anyway – make resolutions, that is!! Well, I made resolutions last year; and while I did not really look back at the list too often later, I did attempt to keep many of them almost unconsciously. Where I failed was writing in my journal, working on the 20 items from my 52 weeks, 52 items list, as well as with my learning goals (though I learned new words without meaning to with all the reading, and did do two courses at the beginning of the year at a local college).
With all that 2020 was, I decided to re-use my list from last year but with focus on some of those, and keeping in mind this quote I loved:
“Work on your strengths, not your weaknesses. How many of your New Year’s resolutions have been about fixing a flaw?” — Jonathan Haidt
- Writing/Blogging Goals: focus on my 2-line journal every day; blog posts per a schedule (finalizing this weekend); working on improving my blog; and that pipe-dream I want to start on
- Health Goals: focus on exercise (walking and Zumba work best for me)
- Reading Goals: My reading challenges, as well as my TBR, will hopefully take care of my reading goals. I will have a signup post for my reading challenges tomorrow.
- Learning Goals: A new word a day; a new skill – I have an idea for this but… ; and hone my drawing skills
- Other Goals: focus on completing 21 items from the 52 weeks, 52 list (will pick those items over this weekend)
I plan to make myself accountable by sharing some of those specifics here and others with friends/family.
What about you? Are you making resolutions or working towards goals? Do let me know..
And I leave you with this poem I found, and loved…

I think you are wise to focus on goals with your strengths in mind. Your goals sound lovely. Yes, honing our strengths rather than trying to fill up all our weaknesses with grout. I’ve set myself some easy goals: a morning, start-the-day routine, with stretching/walking, meditation/reflection, creative action, all flexible depending on the time available each day and depending on my mood. I’ve also organized my list of books I want to read this year, by challenge and by month. A nice start.