
2013 Reading Challenges Sign-Up Post

These are all my challenges I am signing up for this year. I will do what I can and if I cannot complete any, no issues. There are a couple of others I could have participated in as well but I decided these are more than enough, I am sure you agree!! I have to still decide on what books I have to read for each of these challenges and will update this post with the details/lists later/as I decide.
For now, this is my sign-up post with my reading levels for each challenge, where applicable.
Some of the challenges are the ones I participated in earlier – like, What’s In A Name and the Back to the Classics challenges.
I am going to look for books which will work across challenges so it is easier to complete them:)

  1. 1001
    Books You Must Read Before you Die
    – Plan to read at least 6 books
    from this list this year
  2. 2013
    Women Challenge
    Level 2: GIRLS POWER – read 6 to 10
    books written by a woman author
  3. Around
    the World in 80 Books
    – Plan to read at least 6 books for this
    challenge too – will add as I read to this list (and couple other
    requirements mentioned in the post)
  4. Back
    to Classics Challenge
    – Read one book each in the required 6
    categories and more from the optional categories.
  5. Book
    – I have to yet decide how I am going to work on the Bingo Board, the ultimate goal is to complete it all but I am guessing I will keep it simple here with these other challenges.
  6. Book
    to Movie Challenge
    Movie Fan – read 3
    books and watch their movies
  7. Classic
    Double Challenge
    Small: You read 2 related books.
  8. Dive
    into Poetry Challenge
    – Read and review up to 2 books of poetry (and
    couple other requirements mentioned in the post)
  9. Essay
    Reading Challenge
    – Goal of 10 essays
  10. I’ve
    Always Meant to Read That Book
    – 2 books for now (maybe increase to
    more later)
  11. Monthly
    Key Word Challenge
    – read one book each month whose title includes one
    or more of the key words for that month.
  12. Nerdy
    Non-Fiction Challenge
    Geek: 4-6 books in at least 2-3
    different categories
  13. Novel
    in Verse Challenge
    – Read and review at least 6
    verse novels
    during the year.
  14. Pre-1960
    Classic’s Children’s Books
    – No levels, read as many as you can and
    link back.
  15. Quick-Fix
    Paperclips: 10 books
  16. The
    Moral of the Story
    – 41 – 80 Morals Learned
  17. The
    Telling Tales Challenge
    – Troll
    under the Bridge – read 5 books
  18. Turn
    of the Event Literary Salon
    – link to a post(s) from your blog for the
    salon every month or when possible – any type of post related to Classics
    written between the late 1880s through the early 1930s
  19. What
    an Animal
    – Read at least 6 books that meet the requirements
  20. What’s
    in a Name
    – Read one book in each of the categories mentioned.
  21. AWB Reading Challenge – Thanks to Myra from Gathering Books for inviting me to this challenge. I am sure many of the books I am reading will be award winning ones (when I have so many of them!!), so here I am entering one more challenge at Level 1 (10 books or less) – Bronze Medal

And because I am doing all these challenges, doing this challenge below:
Challenge Addict
– 21 challenges excluding this one

10 thoughts on “2013 Reading Challenges Sign-Up Post

  1. I think you signed up for more challenges than I did last year (my year of madness!) I'm impressed! Welcome to the Telling tales challenge and good luck with all your challenges!

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