I finally started blogging regularly and hope to make it a habit through the year. Based on the 21-days-to-make-a-habit-rule, I should be fine, I guess. And since I do blog about books every week, I knew that joining reading challenges should help me accomplish my resolution of blogging regularly as well as reading (reading goals for me, myself – reading more, often, better; reading goals for the mommy me – read more often to and with my kids). With that in mind, I am trying out these challenges for 2011:
The Mommy Me is signing up for the Read to Me Picture Book Challenge at There’s a Book: this has many levels you can join at.
You can check out the details here:
You can check out the details here:
I plan to stick with the modest “Feeding” level (72 books in 2011) since most often, books are read over and over again at our home. I will post one to three reviews each week starting today.

The Me,myself is signing up for the South Asian challenge at S. Krishna’s books. Check out the details here:
(and hopefully this will also help me read some of the books on the 1001 books to read I planned last year)
This challenge at Stiletto Storytime is something I will love doing since I love the classics myself. I will work towards the Bachelor’s Degree here and this will help me achieve (like my South Asian Challenge) my goal of reading books in the 1001 Books to Read list.
Last but not least is the Library Challenge at Home Girl’s Book Blog and since this challenge takes into account any book and crossovers from other challenges, I am sure I can accomplish the 100 books level here.
So excited to have you on board with the challenge! I can't wait to see all the books you read over the year and perhaps add a few to my own reading pile. :o)
Thanks for joining the Classics Challenge…we also seem to be doing quite a few others together as well. Good Luck and can't wait to see what you read!
Stiletto Storytime
Am looking forward to working towards all my challenges this year…
Classics Challenge
Library Challenge
Picture Book Read to Me Challenge
South Asian Challenge