Blogging, Current Events, Life, Lists, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #98: 13 Wonderful Things

It has been a long while away from my blog for me. I am not sure how things got out of hand and then the days kept moving past me until, well, today. So for today, I have scribbled a bit more than usual, and thus it has another section listing 13 wonderful things from these past few days; or rather, one thing for each day I have been away. Well, it is not yet 13 whole days, but I thought to list thirteen things anyways.

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Thank you for your support. Please see the full disclosure for more information. I only recommend products I definitely would (or have already) use myself

Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #98: 13 Wonderful Things

13 Wonderful Things

# 1: Discovering Local Hidden Gems

At Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, Gilroy, CA

#2 – Having Everyone Home

My son chose to come home for the three-day weekend, and I am glad for it (that he wants to visit whenever the opportunity arises<3). We did have a brief outing together and hiked for a couple of hours or so in the county park I mentioned above, and for the rest of the time, it was homework and study time. We then drove him back to his dorm, stopping midway through for lunch (Trader Joes prepared salads and wraps are a delicious life-saver) and eating in the shade of a tree at some farmland off the highway. All in all, a wonderful weekend.

#3 – Life is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

So, on our way to drop off my daughter and three other scouts from her troop for a snow camping weekend at Camp Hi-Sierra near Long Barn, CA, last Friday, we noticed an accident. Someone else mentioned that a vehicle had gone off the cliff there and at that particular point in the road, it was a pretty steep drop.

So I worried about it until earlier this week, when I did a search which led me to a news article that talked about the lone male passenger/driver of the truck who had been rescued using the ‘jaws of death’ tool; and only minor injuries after having gone down 400 feet down that mountainside! In fact, the vehicle was finally retrieved on Sunday when we went back to pick up the scouts from the camp (we saw what remained of the truck and that made me doubly glad that the person was recovering somewhere).

#4 – Top Ten (Not Really Ten) Tuesday

This week’s theme for Top Ten Tuesday over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl was books that I have loved but never mentioned. I did mention a few such books in another post here, so here are a few other random reads that I read over the years but haven’t talked about as much as I want to.

  • Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
  • Airport (as well as Hotel and Wheels) by Arthur Hailey
  • The Keepers of the House by Shirley Ann Grau. I recall reading this brilliant yet searing novel of racism and rank decades ago and feeling
  • Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
  • The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
  • Word Fun by Michael Dahl

Why is this on the list? Because making up book lists is wonderful indeed!

#5 – Wondrous Words

  • geosmin (n): refers to both the earthy scent and to an organic compound with an earthy scent and flavor, produced particularly by microorganisms in the soil.

Geosmin was the smell of survival. – From 52 Ways to Walk by Annabel Streets

This reminded me of one of my favorite words, petrichor, which is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.

For Wondrous Words Wednesday over at ElzaReads

#6 – Gold Rush Towns: Stepping Back in Time

The quaint historic old town of Columbia, CA. It is literally like stepping back in time here!

#7 – Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Technically, I didn’t build this but chanced upon on it during our hike in beautiful Calaveras Big Tree State Park.

#8 – Found: Wise Words on a Bench

On a hiking trail, Calaveras Big Trees State Park

#9 – Some Thoughts on Grammar

It was National Grammar Day on the 4th of March, so here are a couple of quotes that caught my fancy.

  • Grammar is the logic of speech, even as logic is the grammar of reason. ~ Richard C. Trench
  • If you can’t win an argument, correct their grammar instead. ~ Anon

#10 – Loving the Wild Side

World Wildlife Day snuck past me this week (March 3rd). The United Nations made this official in December 2013 at the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly. This special day “has now become the most important global annual event dedicated to wildlife.” While the date is over, we should work towards the goals to protect our wildlife everyday. And of course, you can choose to celebrate by learning more about wildlife through books!

#11 – Airbnbs

We stayed at our very first Airbnb last weekend, and here are my thoughts about it (extracted from my review):

Barry and Davy Jones helped make our first Airbnb stay as one filled with wonderful memories to cherish. Their place is beautiful, comfortable, quiet, and to put it simply – more than perfect! Really the best place to stay for visiting the local Gold Rush towns, Calaveras Big Trees, and even Yosemite. 

#12 – Help the Refugees

And speaking of Airbnb, you might have already seen this piece of news about how people all over the world are using it as a means to donate directly to Ukranian families. In addition, you can also help house refugees by offering stays for free or at a discount via Airbnb here. Wonderful, right?

A friend of mine who lives in Poland told me he is hosting two families in his apartment, and mentioned how heartwarming it is to see everyone come together to help.

#13 – Taking a Break

While I delight in writing my blog posts and enjoy hearing from all of you, I realize that taking a break can be rejuvenating.

Poetic Sundays: Celebrating Women: Musette

This month, I plan to bring poetic forms created by or popularized by women, in honor of Women History Month. I do feature such forms often; however, for this month, it is a more focused effort. Earlier posts with forms from Emily Romano (who invented today’s featured form) are here and here.

What is the Musette?

The Musette, created by Emily Romano is a short poem of three tercets, with a simple rhyme and syllabic pattern. I am sure you will have as much fun writing one as I did.

The Musette’s Characteristics

At its most basic, the musette’s characteristics are that it is:

  • Stanzaic: has three 3-line stanzas or tercets
  • Syllabic: with a syllabic structure of 2/4/2 for each stanza
  • Rhymed: stanza 1: a/b/a; stanza 2: c/d/c; stanza 3: e/f/e
  • Titled: the title should reflect the content
So this is how it looks (minus a meaningful title)




My Example, or Humble First Attempt

Wonderfully Infectious
is contagious
my dear

As are
smiles, giggles, and

So why
not laugh some more
do try!
~Vidya Tiru @LadyInReadWrites

Further reading and h/t
  • ShadowPoetry (and you can also find great examples of this form – by Emily Romana, the form’s creator, and others – through the provided link)

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black and white drawing of a woman's face covered with flowers and leaves.. A muse probably.. Pin title is Poetic Sundays: The Musette (Celebrating Women's History month)


On My Blog

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings:

& at Home

Everything I can say has been covered in the 13 Things section!!


On My Blog & Homefront

Hoping a few posts at least:

  • Mini-reviews of a few books pending review for a while now (March 7th)
  • Review for ‘The Ogress and the Orphans,’ by Kelly Barnhill (blog tour stop on March 8th right here)
  • A wordless post on this Wednesday??
  • And more…

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Multi-day events

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? Also, what are some of the wonderful things that happened recently to you or that you heard of?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

14 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #98: 13 Wonderful Things

  1. Nice reading all your list to celebrate how wonderful the life we have now. I definitely love the second on the list of Having Everyone Home where we can all spend time together with our families.

  2. This is a tedious task for me but it’s a great thing to have this kind of routine. It’s like an amazing checklist of things we can do for ourselves and others too.

  3. I love how many positives you were able to come up with, no matter how big or small. If I had to choose a few it would be spending time at our local nature center – my first trip there! – and having my our son be so close to the son of my husbands childhood bff.

  4. I loved reading your list. Such an uplifting and inspiring post. I would really enjoy those old gold rush villages in CA!

  5. I want to build a snowman, but our weather hasn’t cooperated! We’ve gotten a few snow storms, but it’s been either too cold or too icy to build one.

  6. Glad to hear your blogging hiatus worked well for you. As much as we want to read your blog, you deserve a break with your family. But also great to read more of your poems again.

  7. I love that you always look on the positive side of things and always list the positive side for balance. Enjoy time with your family, your poetic mind will be inspired by everything you do.

  8. It is nice to take a break and enjoy family time. I think I am probably familiar with geosmin, and I’ll have to see if I can remember the term! I do love the outdoors and earthy smells.

  9. A beautiful collection of scribbles all in one post. Love it!

    I’ve never heard of the word geosmin, but I will take a closer look. Profound connection and meaning in the the context you shared it.

    National Barbie day!! How cool is that. I loved my Barbie dolls growing up and actually still have them.

    So sorry I’ve missed your link-up to WWW two weeks ago, somehow it slipped through.

    I hope you are doing well!

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