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10 Shows to Binge Watch With Your Teens

Are there any shows you binge watch with your teens? Watching shows or a movie is one of the ways we have bonded together as a family for a long while now; and even more so over the last year. Very often, it is dinner and a show; while at other times, we end up eating dinner at different times because of various work commitments (office/school), and sit down in front of the small-screen to wind down for the day.

We have watched everything from stuff that makes us ROTFL to ones that leave us in tears, from documentaries that enthrall and inform to movies that either are totally goofy or need us to watch every scene lest we wonder what is happening.

While we do have the traditional dinner-at-the-table bonding every once in a while, we all wind up together in front of the TV more often than not. From laughing together to having serious discussions, from learning together to simply enjoying the show, TV (for all its minuses) definitely has been a huge plus.

So here are the

10 Shows to Binge Watch With Your Teens

that we love(d) and binge-watched (or currently watching); and we think are perfect for that bonding time and winding down time for the whole fam!!

Gilmore Girls


I mean, I have watched this show at least a couple of times by myself already! And I realize that watching it with my teens is a whole other sort of fun. Arguing over the various ship-wars with teens is quite different from mulling it over myself.

And it is a cool side benefit that my daughter (who reads but not as big a reader as me or my son) is now reading books off the Rory and Jess reading lists online!

The Office


While the hubby and I watched most of this show when it was first on, my teenage son and I binge-watched this in late 2019. When we were done, my teen was totally at a loss since he did not know what else he could find to equal this classy comedy, until we (or he) discovered….

Parks and Recreation


And we were hooked. While I had watched an episode here and another there, until my son wanted me to watch it with him, I was never into this show. But having my son enjoy the goofiness meant I totally loved it as well!! Also, who cannot fall in love with a show where Amy Poehler gave us women a cool-cool holiday to celebrate our gal-friends?!

Here is wishing you all a wonderful Galentine’s Day on the 13th of February..

Back to the shows. Once P&R was done, we simply had to follow this binge-watching with



Another goofy, snarky, witty, smart show which is often-times over the top but always worth watching.



We have even re-watched some seasons, and watched Psych – The Movie as well. What is not to love about a quirky show with a psychic and his sidekick, where the witty and clever banter is as good as well, everything else about the show? And it is set in sunny Santa Barbara…

The Good Place


I fell in love with the concept of this show. While my teens simply could not stop watching it, and I of course, watched long with them.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


So very quirky and clever; it is like a fresh burst of witty energy emerging from that bunker!



Whether it be for that totally adorable Baby Yoda or that cool titular warrior Mandalorian, this is a totally binge-able show that you have to watch (if you have not already, or even if you have!)

Wanda Vision


The latest fad, and one we are watching as the season progresses. It seems Friday can’t come soon enough. What is going to happen next? We can’t wait to find out as just about every episode leaves us hanging..

Then There Are More Shows as Well

Of course, we also watched and enjoyed Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, Monk (which we love watching), Father Brown, Cosmos, Flash, Nathan For You, Kim’s Convenience,

Shows For Watching With Tweens

Here are a few shows to watch with your tweens (and some will work for even younger than tweens). These are the ones I could remember as I wrote this post. There are certainly more.

  • Good Luck Charlie
  • Wizards of Waverly Place
  • Jessie
  • Boy Meets World
  • Girl Meets World

And What is Next On Our Watch List?

We hope to watch Criminal Minds, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, and….

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10 Shows to Binge Watch With Your Teens

And Now, the End Of This Post

Dear reader, which of these shows have you (binge) watched? Any shows to add to our watch list? Would love to hear your comments on shows you have watched (no matter whether you liked it or not) and your recommendations as well.

15 thoughts on “10 Shows to Binge Watch With Your Teens

  1. My husband and I are raising a granddaughter who is now almost 16. She is a moody teen and mostly wants to binge-watch shows on her own.

    I was thrilled when she asked us to watch one of her shows with her. She’s very much into K-Pop and watches a lot of subtitled soap opera series from Korea and China. We started watching Meteor Garden (subtitles move quickly, so read fast! LOL) on Netflix. It’s actually been a good show to illustrate budding relationships, friendships, and other cultures–how they’re different and alike.

    Just wanted to share this concept as a possible bridge with those teens who don’t want to watch anything with you. Find a topic they’re interested in and see if there is a show that you can express interest in and watch together.

    Sometimes, the discussion about those topics from the show will crop up at the most unexpected times so it’s been a great way to connect with our granddaughter.

    1. thanks so much for this thoughtful comment.. And I do know what you are saying.. there are often times when my daughter or my son want to watch something very different from what we are used to, and I have over the years learned to give them company and in the process I have learned to enjoy a really broad variety of shows 🙂

  2. ‘Gilmore Girls’ has been a staple in our household too, sparking endless debates over coffee preferences and which of Rory’s boyfriends was the best. It’s heartwarming to hear that your daughter was inspired to dive into the Rory and Jess reading lists. I think I might introduce that to my kids as well!

  3. I personally don’t watch very much tv and neither does my son. He watches YouTube shorts, Netflix, or plays video games. Instead of watching tv I’m usually blogging or playing games on my phone.

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