Books, Current Events, Lists

10 Recent Additions to My Bookshelf

I participate at the Top Ten Tuesday book meme every once in a while, and this time the theme coincides with National Book Shelfie Day on the 22nd of January (or rather, 3rd Wednesday in January). So here are the 10 recent additions to my bookshelf. Most of them are from recent trips to newly discovered local used bookstores, and I know I will be visiting them often, alone (to minimize distractions and “can we go home?” questions)

The Bookshelf List

10 Recent Additions to My Bookshelf

The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage

I got this book for myself from the local bookstore (and such a charming find for me right in my backyard) when I did a copy editing course last quarter. I do need to get started on using it soon!

Tales from Bengal (Amar Chitra Katha)

Amar Chitra Katha finds its way into my blog very often. I spent many a happy childhood hour reading these comics that tell the stories of gods and goddesses, of kings and queens, of myths and fables, of folktales and heroes IRL, and so much more. And the storytelling as well as the illustrations – always great and totally memorable!


Heidi was one of my favorite reads as a little-me. My copy of the book is back in India and when I saw this edition at the quaint bookstore I mentioned earlier, I had to get it for.. well, mys(h)elf!

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Have I read this one? Or not? This is something I have never been sure of. I recall reading a book which left me pretty sad but was it this one. I now need to read it (again) to find out for sure. Another local bookstore haul.

The Girls of Central High

I love to pick up books of an era bygone. And the copy I picked for myself seems to be a 1914 edition, the year this book was published! I did not realize that until I was writing this post.

The Disharmony of Silence

This is a review copy that came in the mail today, so definitely the most recent addition to my bookshelf! Look forward to my review for this book here as part of the book tour in March.

The House on Mango Street

My kids read this book as part of their required reading in middle school(and my son read it again in Spanish as part of high school Spanish reading!) I am yet to read this one though I have read Cisneros’ poems and enjoyed them.

Tales from Shakespeare

I don’t recall where but I did read that the Charles and Mary Lamb rendition of Shakespeare’s tales is one of the best. So when I saw this one during a bookstore stroll, I said to myself that a little more of the Bard won’t hurt. So here it is..

Smoke and Mirrors

One of my favorite authors. I only discovered or first read Gaiman as an adult, and the first book I read was Coraline, but that was enough for love at first read! This was in the Friends of the Library book sale shelves in our library.

The Art of Thinking Clearly

A much needed skill, don’t you think? This was a little earlier than the others and one of those books I seem to find only at the airport bookstores! From what I have read randomly here, it is truly an interesting read.

All Creatures Great and Small

A book I had been meaning to read for a long time now, and I don’t recall when or why. But that was the reason I picked this one.

Top Ten Tuesday Bookshelf

Today’s PicADay

And Now, the End of this Post

Dear reader – What are the most recent additions to your bookshelf? Have you read any of these books featured today? Do let me know.

Here are my previous posts for the month:

19 thoughts on “10 Recent Additions to My Bookshelf

    1. Glad to hear you loved it. makes me look forward to the read even more.
      I know my kids enjoyed it (though my son did not actually enjoy the book as much when he was doing it for Spanish required reading… )

  1. Great choices! I’ve heard great things about Smoke and Mirrors, but haven’t picked it up yet. Heidi was also a book I enjoyed reading when I was younger.

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