It is hard to pick one book out of the many I absolutely adore but I had to, so here is Zorgamazoo for you with ten things I love about it.
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What is Zorgamazoo, You Ask?
(From the book description)
Are You a Believer in Fanciful Things? In Pirates and Dragons and Creatures and Kings?
Then sit yourself down in a comfortable seat, with maybe some cocoa and something to eat, and I?ll spin you the tale of Katrina Katrell, a girl full of courage (and daring, as well!), who down in the subway, under the ground, saw something fantastical roaming around . . .
What was it she saw? I?d rather not say. (Who?s ever heard of a Zorgle, anyway?)
But if you are curious, clever and brave, if intrepid adventure is something you crave, then open this book and I?ll leave it to you to uncover the secret of ZORGAMAZOO!
Join Morty the Zorgle and Katrina on a fantastically illustrated, you?ll-wanna-read-every-word-aloud, sophisticated rhyming adventure for kids of all ages!
My Thoughts: Reasons Why I Love Zorgamazoo!
Check out my rhyming review of Zorgamazoo to find out more about the book.
Whether you pick up a physical version so you can enjoy the quirky artwork I mention here or the audiobook to listen to Alan Cumming read it out, you will love Zorgamazoo! And be sure to read more of Robert Paul Weston’s books.

This post goes towards Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is Ten Things I Love About …
A Little Zany in My Style: You’re Welcome!
This week’s d’Verse prompt is to write a poem in response to any one of the featured Alma Woodsey Thomas (1891 – 1978) paintings. I picked The Eclipse (1970).
I used the nonet and also drew inspiration from previous dVerse prompts (How About a Selfie and Fashion a Poem). I love bright colors, especially yellow and did have couple outfits that almost blinded (lol) those near me! I now try to pair bright yellow skirts with a darker top!
Aglow in Yellow
You see her? In that bright colored dress,
Bedazzling, blinding those around?
Oh, what did you say? Can’t see?
So sorry, that is me,
Zany vibrant hues,
I am aglow,
Dazzling bright,
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, have you read the book? If so, your thoughts on it please? If not, would you pick it up now? Do let me know. Any other similar recommendations for me? What would your list of 10 reasons be (for a beloved/favorite book)?
Zany books are so much fun.
Great take on the prompt. Some folks refuse to see even the bright colors
Lovely, Vidya! I love bright colours too. Thanks for including my prompt too.
A short, sweet, action-packed response. Free to be yourself is the best way to be.
Wow, Vidya, it’s amazing how our prosery on same painting mirror each other!!